I've had the feeling that there was something in my home for years now. I've heard things, seen things out of the corner of my eye, etc. It was all things that I could chalk up to my imagination.
However over the last month or so, that's changed. Things are moving when I turn around. My dresser drawer opened and slammed shut last night. And a couple of nights ago, I saw a HUGE shadow figure leaning over my brother while he was asleep (we have adjoining bedrooms). The only thing that made me feel uneasy was that last instance. Everything else feels really benign and it's not like anyone's being affected by whatever is here...?
I'm wondering if I should try to do a cleansing ritual for the house, or not worry about it. I've felt like there's a really nice spirit here. I call it Tom. Only once have I felt scared and uneasy because of anything paranormal in my home. I'm wondering since there's a positive entity here, if it...matters, I guess? Or... I guess I'm worried about sending Tom away (or anybody else nice here).
I probably worded all of that completely wrong... Hopefully it makes sense. Any advice or thoughts is appreciated!
Re: Spirits in the Home By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 2 Dec 12, 2015
Don't fix what isn't broken. How do you know that he wasn't just checking on your brother? What if he stopped a nightmare? If your brother didn't experience any negative symptoms that night, why should you assume it was hostile?
So he's big, so are most men. He's shadowy because that is the way you perceive him. Most spirits of the dead look shadowy. In fact, in ancient times it was believed that our shadow was the physical side of our soul.
If he's being noisy, you can always burn lavender incense to ease the emotions. If you can communicate with him, ask what is upsetting him. House spirits look out for the people of the house and they can become very emotionally attached. When problems arise in the household, it effects them too. Just like you may get angry and slam a door, they act out in the same way. It doesn't mean they wish you harm.
You can also try little offerings. For instance, make him a cup of tea with honey. Say, here Tom, this is for you because I appreciate you. After a few hours, pour the tea into the ground outside, never down the drain. Sometimes kind gestures go a long way.
While the thing I saw leaning over my brother seemed so tall it was leaning over so it could even fit in the room, my instincts told me what you just did. After the initial shock, that is.
I have a pendulum, tarot cards, and a Ouija board, I've just been a bit hesitant to use them. Maybe I will when I won't risk being interrupted.
Also, thank you so much for the offering suggestion. I've never known what to do with them afterwards, so I haven't really ever given an offering.
You don't know the intent I would suggest the offering and then clenasing of negative energy using sage and an combination of salt and herbs. But only negativity you don't want to get rid of anything that is protective.
Re: Spirits in the Home By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 Dec 13, 2015
I suggest the pendulum and not the Ouija board. Pendulums are tools that can be governed easily by magick, be blessed and consecrated. They have a long history of use among magick practitioners and you don't often see people outside of spiritual circles using them (only as dowsing instruments).
Ouija boards are promoted as a game and not at all sacred. They're a commercial product made by the same company that created Hungry Hungry Hippos. That in itself taints the energy of the object and what it symbolizes. If you insist on using one, I suggest crafting your own from scratch within a ceremonial circle with serious and reverent intention.
As for the pendulum, if you are not sure how to use one safely and accurately for spirit communication, feel free to PM me and I will give you instructions of the way that I was taught. I have done it for years. The first time I held a pendulum was at six years old. My aunt introduced it to me.
You should see what the being´s intentions are first at foremost. Perhaps meditate a bit on it when you can´t be disturbed, perhaps whatever it is may join you..? If it´s been friendly up until the point you seem threatened, maybe you where overthinking?
Meditating has always been extremely difficult for me. I wish I could do t more effectively. I suppose it just takes a ton of practice like everything else. I try some more, thanks for the suggestion :)
And yeah, my mom bought me the Ouija board from Target a few years ago. I used it twice. The first time just really scared me but the second time, a woman came through and I got a very calm feeling about me. I had put up some protections and surrounded myself with certain crystals because I was nervous. That was before I knew of any other methods of communicating with spirits.