No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
ok we was together for some years then all of sudden we had to b/u because i had to move to new orleans so i end up staying there for a couple of days then i had to come back down here cuz of the hurricane and i havent seen him sense i really need him back somebody told me hes in new orleans i been depressed,down and i couldnt sleep, and thinking bout suicide he was my 1st love. please help me nobody just dont know what i been going thru
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
Suicide?? Nothing is damn worth to suicide just to know that!
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
True said.. you will die either way. *_* I suffer from depression and death is always is in my mind, but then again death is inevitable.. O_o so.. just keep on living you will find something to hold on.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
this is a true thing.
people come into your life for a reason, they do their task at that point and when they have helped you (in what ever that may be) or you have helped them then we move on.
Your life will then move on and change and you meet new people to move you along your life path.
Hope that helps
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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
i will try to help
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