First of all I'd like to thank the members with reputation for protecting the inexperienced from fantasy magick. I feel very strongly that the youngsters need the guidance. So the guidance is quite remarkable.
But how can a 'knowledgeable' claim they can Dowse and that dowsing is magick? I mean with the current technologies human dowsing is really useless and lacks any relevance to modern life.
Re: The myth therefore of dow By: Tiredofgaggs / Novice
Post # 3 Mar 26, 2016
I would agree with Brysing. I recenty had to find a water line on some property owned by my father. I used dowsing to find the line and when I dug it up it was right where I had dowsed. Was it magic? was it something else? I certainly didn't use science to find it. Both science and magic work. Does it really matter what name you give it?
Re: The myth therefore of dow By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 5 Mar 27, 2016
Why and How dowsing works is not known. Dowsers cannot explain it; nor can scientists. I suppose anything that cannot be explained could be termed as magic. I think dowsing is natural, and has somehow to do with magnetism.
Over the yeas I have been consulted by many Construction Companies to find disused underground drains; underground spaces; and, of course, water. I once found a disused coal mine.
These were small firms that could not afford professional surveyors.
Anybody can learn dowsing in about ten minutes. I couldn't care less whether or not you believe it.
Re: The myth therefore of dow By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 7 Mar 27, 2016
Dowsing works and has been successfully demonstrated time and time again even though we don't know exactly why it works. No one is claiming that dowsing is "magic". Nor does it need to have relavence to modern life to still be real. It simply is.
Re: The myth therefore of dow By: Vanitys_Fire / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 Mar 27, 2016
I'm sorry, but on another note, for one who claims to not be interested in dowsing you sure did have enough interest to make a post and start a conversation about dowsing.
Re: The myth therefore of dow By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 10 Mar 28, 2016
Human skin is extremely sensitive,especially the palms. All animal's muscles work by electric impulses.THe Society of Dowsers are of the opinion that we have a "built in" magnetism, that somehow "bounces" off the Earth's magnetism. But nobody knows for sure. We only know that it works. I can find metals just as accurately as a metal detector. It's a great "party trick", to the great delight of children! (and the stunned faces of adults!)