I keep getting Dizzy when I enter "New Age" stores.To be fair I've only been to two. Both times I felt dizzy, lightheaded, and almost had a 'taste' in my mouth that is kind of hard to explain.
I've felt this way before in certain peoples houses, at work or when meeting certain people.
Judging by other threads this has something to do with not being grounded?
I just don't want take home anything. Now I'm questioning the things I purchased at said stores. Can I clear anything that may be attached to these item and perhaps myself?
I'm new to all of this and am only now getting into any sort of magic and a form of defense so I don't want to want to go against what I'm trying to do in the first place.
Re: Dizzy in New Age Store By: H2OfanRikki / Novice
Post # 4 Jul 26, 2016
I would say try not to jump to conclusions, if you have been getting dizzy in these stores it may be due to the store layout, the slope of the floor or the incense that could be burning.
However if this is also happeningin other people's homes and while you are out and about then it may be something more medical, and should be checked with your doctor.
logically it's the incense. but i've been to many spiritual stores, there's an energy about them, some can be more intense than others, especially if they preform rituals in the building as well. don't worry though as they're a positive space and most who work in these types of stores can feel the energy and would banish anything negative.
my store actually has a singing bowl they use to cleanse most objects so you don't have to, but you can cleanse the items yourself at home in a number of ways. simple one is to use salt water. you might also consider getting into a routine of energy work yourself as negative energy clings to use throughout our daily lives. sage can cleanse, as can a sea salt bath, or grounding [among other methods] so try various methods and find one that works for you. the more you work with energy the better you'll be feeling and dealing with it.
You might also keep track of any differences between your regular daily routine and when you visit the new age stores and those peoples' houses. Being lightheaded could be caused by anything from lack of sleep or low blood-sugar to you getting a bunch more exercise than you're used to or a rapid change in temperature. Make sure you're regular taking care of yourself as well as magically.