Create own spells 4 Deaf?

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Create own spells 4 Deaf?
Post # 1
hi everyone!

my name is Christopher and I am deaf male.. i am here to ask ya'all that i want to know how is possible that Deaf could create own spells? my English grammar is not bad, but create these spells that i really need to improve with my writing for creating own spells.. but could you give me some basics for creating these spells will be helpful if you are willing to help me... when i'm getting improved with my writing for creating these spells then i will try to cast magic spells after i have to be in meditation how long it takes time for my soul would be ready to cast magic spells if it does work... ( without voice and sound so i could be meditation with my own soul..)

if it doesn't work, i need your help for getting improved my soul is supposed to be ready for casting magic spells... thanks!
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