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Post # 1
Okay guys
i've read alot and seen stuffs and all
but i do have some questions in my mind
between Spells and the Mind Power

well i feel that both of them seem to collide in their ways
for Spells, i could use a weather spell to cast on a rainy day for example
and for my Mind power,i've seen people said
they could open the third eye and feel the energy and then visualize the weather and feel it to change it to a weather you want it.
so im abit kinda confused between both.
like the Dancing Flame Tech, to light a fire,i saw spells here that to light a fire you concentrate and say the magic words
whereas for teli / pyrokinesis, you concentrate and kinda create a 'tunnel' and light the fire instead.

anyone like knows the difference?
do we actually learn both for a better choice and which to use?
Thanks :D
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Re: Question
Post # 2
honestly though its just my opinion its better to learn both so you pretty much balance each other out
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Re: Question
Post # 3
well to be fair, mind control is something that is at a great level and before you get to that level you will have to learn incantations and spells, as the latter that you have heard about is something that comes with time and experieince, though it is still majick in the same context, just a better higher and greater version of it (short cut if you like)
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Re: Question
Post # 4
ahh , sweet thanks guys
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