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Post # 1
My name is Brittany. I'm 21 years old, a cancerian (I'm assuming that's correct.), I'm not necessarily a religious person but I'm very spiritual. I am very new to SOM. I am also new to Wicca/Pagan/Witchcraft. I'm trying to find my own journey and if anyone is willing to talk with me, I'm very open with my mind. I am engaged to a wonderful man who completes my life and ignites a fire within me. I have a feisty little pup named Bailey and a loving free-spirited kitten named Piper. I would love to be apart of something that is great.
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Re: Hello!
Post # 2
Welcome to the site, Brittany! If you're looking to embrace paganism, you've come to the right place. Luck and light to you, friend.
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