crystals, wands and new.

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crystals, wands and new.
Post # 1
ok, new to this...

I heard using a crystal will help you meditate, so does the type of crystal matter. like ppl i heard it from kept saying quarts crstal, is that's cuz it's better or just cuz it's what they like? does the type of rock matter that much?
and when meditating, do i have to sit arect and all that or can it be done in w/e postion?

and wands....what's with those...?

(yeah i know vaige, please help.)
(sry if you noticed but i've been havin issues postin this.)
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Re: crystals, wands and new.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Okay. I'm not really familiar with crystals in the use of regular meditation, but I know that they can retain energy when charged and be a powerful tool in rituals. I have always used them more as a scrying tool.
Wands are also tools in ritual craft and a lot of times a co- magician. Some wands are made of different types of materials to retain different types of energies, which is why many practicioners have several wands. And some ivocations also require a specific type of wand, which is why you will find, literally, hundreds of wands, every one, a little different from the next.

Also, meditation can be performed in any position, at any time. Deep meditation however, is best practiced in an upright position, so neither the body nor the mind get sleepy. Different types of meditation from structure to structure also ask different postures, motions or hand signs. Lol. So I guess that depends who you ask.
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Re: crystals, wands and new.
Post # 3
A quartz cyrstal is the commonly known and used cyrstal to help with meditatoin however it is not necessarily the only one that can be used. Check up and ask about the use and purpose of the crystals when you buy them and there is also lots of information on the web also there are books on cyrstals to help you attain the cyrstals required for the purpose you choose and match for you.
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