Element Spell

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Element Spell
Post # 1
To Have The Ability To Have Power Over Weather
What You Need:
5 White Candels
1 Large Pentagram (big enough for you to stand in)
Place the candels at each of the four points and stand in the middle.
Start opening the 5 energy gates lighting one candel after each.
After opening the 5 gates concentrate your energy to moving the wind.
This can take as long as an hour or as little as 5 minutes.
After the wind starts blowing concentrate on becoming one with the wind when you feel the wind flowing around you say theese words:
The wind that flows with no cares I ask of you to be with me inside my mind heart and soul. Within me now I say to you and as an ofering my energy to share in return When I call on you you shall answer.
Now when you concentrate the wind will answer but remember because of the deal you will use some energy.
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Re: Element Spell
Post # 2
You should use yellow candles, I checked and found out that yellow represents the element of air wich controls wind. I am just wondering, did you make the incantation or did you find it.
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Re: Element Spell
Post # 3
you do realise that air is more than just wind. thats pretty much what everyone and thing represents it as. air is so much more.
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