Some questions

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Some questions
Post # 1
Okay, I don't know if this is the right place to post and ask about this, but since lucid dreaming is a way to astral project I figured it might be a safe place to start.

So a couple of nights ago I was lucid dreaming for fun, running around doing dream stuff, and I think someone might have entered my dreams. I am pretty sensitive to things around me and I felt someone or something enter my dreams. ( later on there was a witch lady who I couldn't make disappear until after I woke myself up )

My question is, can people accidentally (or on purpose) enter your dreams while they astral project, and slip past your safeguards?
I was freaking out because "We" were locked in a battle for control over my dreams, and I couldn't get rid of her.
Usually I have no problem with this but since I am more self taught on a lot of things I was hoping I could get an more experinced persons advice.
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Re: Some questions
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Well for starters, lucid dreaming and astral projection aren't the same thing. Lucid dreaming is where you are completely asleep, but you are just aware that you are dreaming and therefore can control it. Now astral projection, the body is asleep but the mind is completely awake, and it's a shift of awareness. Meaning, you aren't sleeping at all, it is just a very deep state of relaxation that allows this, and that is why so many people fall asleep while attempting to astral project.
Now, for this next part there is a wide range of differing beliefs about this, and that is what is called dream walking, or rather altering someone's dreams, and I have read some research about it and this usually can only be done if two people are in the same room and the person who is altering your dreams times your sleep cycle to the moment you fall asleep and the exact moment you enter the REM cycle of sleep.
In your dreams, it is a way for your brain to cope with things going on in your life, and it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. As well as, dreams aren't literal. So it could be you are going through some struggle in your real life and your brain is just telling you that something is going on, meaning that you are facing a struggle of some kind, and this can be as simple as an argument with your parents.
But if you are truly worried about some outside force bothering you, you can always do a cleansing of your personal space to clear out negative energy, but I really don't think you have anything to worry about. After all, lucid dreaming isn't an exact science and it takes practice to completely control your dreams.
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Re: Some questions
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
In my personal experience, I believe people can enter other people's dreams without realizing, and sometimes on purpose. But for the most part it's not on purpose, and I don't think it typically has much to do Astral Projection as I don't really have any talent Astral Projecting like I do Lucid Dreaming and I've encountered strangers and people I've known in my dreams that do not feel like the dream people my brain comes up with, they feel real.
I've never had a problem with these people, I guess our dreams just sort of collaborate with each other because I don't usually see a problem with them being there. In fact sometimes it's nice to have another real person there even if we don't talk.
My older sister who often does do Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming (and has been doing it since she was a child) says she often without realizing why or how she got there finds herself in other people's dreams. She doesn't really do this on purpose so I personally wouldnt feel offended or intruded, the other person was probably just as confused and possibly just lost their way. (Or they mightve been used to it) And for many Lucid Dreamers it kind of becomes instinct to try to take control of the dream.
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Re: Some questions
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I dont think Enigmawolf was trying to say that they're the same thing. People often recommend becoming good at lucid dreaming before attempting to Astral Project as they work with similar parts of our mind. I've been told it is easier to Astral Project once you know how to Lucid Dream. I'm not sure how true that is though as I can lucid dream but I have never Astral Projected.
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Re: Some questions
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I must have misinterpreted the beginning of the question then. My apologies. And for the most part I do believe it is possible of entering someone's dream, just not a lot of people believe in the whole dream walking thing, so I didn't want to sound like an idiot, but very rarely does anyone want or feel the need to negatively interact with someone in a dream, as they may not realize it is a dream to begin with. And I pointed out the whole struggle in real life because there is a theory on why people dream is to deal with menial mundane problems, and I was trying to provide an alternate explanation as there are so many possibilities of what could have happened.
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Re: Some questions
Post # 6
Thank you both for you views and advice on this subject, I still think though I did have someone wander into my dreams and we both freaked out and got into our fight because we didn't know exactly what was going on.
I understand dream walking because I have done it to help my siblings here and there, and I was good with astral projection before I even knew what it was, so lucid dreaming and walking / weaving comes easy to me.
I guess I didn't know if it was possible when someone was aware, or if people can slip by my mind alarms.
I am sorry if I was unclear.
I am still new to sharing stuff with people, because I was exploring by myself for quite some time before I even thought of researching stuff online and such.
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Re: Some questions
Post # 7
I don't see the point of making a new thread just for some more questions, so here it goes.

I was wondering if it is possible to transfer energy from one being into another through astral projection, or instead of people, animals and trees.
I understand energy manipulation ( i.e making psi balls and such ), but is it any different in the astral planes?
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