hi :P

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hi :P
Post # 1
hi, im new here, dunno wat to do tho haha. i havent practised any spell or art. although i seek it for more knowlegde in life, and to help me and those around me in the near future. also plz say something to put me in the right direction, cause the internet is reliable but then its not. many websites might have false information, and i need more or less a guide. so would love to have some help. oh yeah im also 14 by the way:P
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Re: hi :P
Post # 2
Welcome, guardian! Very refreshing to see a critical thinker with the wisdom to know what you're really looking for -- and I hope you find it here , though most of the ones I've tried and are true are just under General Magick. (The actual site is down, unfortunately, that's a link to the google cache.)
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