Hello to the community

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Hello to the community
Post # 1
Hello everyone, I am really excited to learn more from this site, and from those of you who might be willing to take the time to advise/give me tips. Let me take some time to update you on my journey so far.

I have always been energetically sensitive and aware about energies. Around the time I was 7-8 I found information about a "psi wheel". After some preparation making the point the paper is balanced on out of an empty hi c box with the straw pointed up, I tried to move it and to my surprise, I was able to. After many years of practicing, while trying to build my energy levels up, I am now able to almost fully control the psi wheel. To the point where I can make it spin steadily at a decent rate for minutes at a time. I am also able to set up a nickle on its side, then knock it down. All of this done by hand alone. Recently I've got into reiki, and am on my way to opening up all my chakras. The other day I came across a wand that I liked and decided that if I can do simple "telekinesis" by hand, I should be able to learn to use the wand to direct that energy in a more efficient way. Don't take it wrong, I am open to lots of kinds of magick as long as there's no evil involved, I just have the most experience with the telekinesis. I'm hoping some of you can introduce me to different kinds of magick, because I don't know where else to start.

That's some of my background and experience, thanks for taking the time to read this, especially if you intend to help. Thanks to everyone.
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Re: Hello to the community
Post # 2

Hello there. Welcome to the community. I suggest checking out newbie central if you're new to the site, and I suggest reading the articles and reading whatever is interesting.

As for help, shoot me a message. I can help give a basic to magic and spells and will list some paths and such.

Reason I don't just mail you is because my data is acting up it will take forever to send this comment. Let alone load your profile and send a mail. Once you message me I can respond when my data is not bad it just decides to be slow off and on.

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Re: Hello to the community
Post # 3
Thank you for replying and reaching out. That would be amazing, I took the time to read your bio and what not, and I believe while learning magick on your own is possible, a lot of things are better "taught" by people who have the experience. So I'm really glad you're offering to help me as you seem experienced. I added you as a friend, but couldn't actually find anything related to sending you a message. Sorry I'm new to the site, that's also why I have no bio or anything yet. Not asking you to message me, I understand what you're using is slow, just how I send the message...Again I apologize for that. Looking forward to talking with you. Thanks
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Re: Hello to the community
Post # 4

The mail symbol on the top right of the site should be red now. I sent a message.

Go onto a person's profile and where it says profile in the brown box with the white lines click that and find mail or message. Then add a subject and send the message.

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