I had an idea about the salt people use to absorb negative energies. Why not save that salt when it's time to replace them for curse work? Any ideas about this? You could even put the salt in food to feed people you hate. I personally wouldn't keep it in the house or touch it without gloves but that sounds like a decent on a budget witchy ingredientwhen you want to curse someone. Any thoughts to add on to this? I would love to see your guys input :)
I honestly don't see why it wouldn't work. You could even use black salt for this (which already has a history of being used in both protection and curses) and utilize it for revenge spells, curses, hexes, etc. It makes perfect sense to me, really. You're adding extra negativity to work already designed for that purpose.
Of course completely agree also salt is not just used for protection and to remove curses I see how it could work and like already stated black salt has history for curses, hexes etc. salt can have many uses in witchcraft
Brim, using salt for this purpose will work and is similar to other methods in traditions and across cultures.
I sprinkle plants and flowers across my doorway very similarly. I have flowers I use in this way to attract in blessings, and others I'll use to hex those whom cross- if they have I'll intentions for the family.
Black salt would be best but not a must. Since salt can be mixed with herbs for cooking you can add it to food or a spell mix to stuff a poppet with. One could use it in a protection spell as the salt can be instructed to absorb incoming negative energy and then to use it against those who sent the negative energy. I don't see why you need not touch the salt as it wont' hurt you unless you are in the habit of sending negative energy to yourself. Even if you are adding it to a curse, it's going to adsorb the negative energy you are generating and then send it to the intended target. Just keep your intentions clear as you work so that your end objective manifests. Salt has similar powers to fire, for it has the power to burn, it cleanses but it also poisons is large quantities. It brings out the flavors in foods and is an important mineral for the bodies' survival but it's also destroys germs, bacteria's and viruses as well as plants and bugs. Many chemicals around the home are essentially a salt base. Just something to keep in mind as you move forward on your path.