Merrymeet everyone

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Merrymeet everyone
Post # 1
My name is Terra Lightheart, but I couldn't fit all of that on the username, so I figured I would write it down here. I have been a wiccan for only a few short years, coming upon a book about wiccanry and how it can help you out when I was in a interesting place in my life. As I started reading the book, which was labled something like Wiccan 101, which contained some spells, the tools needed, how to set up an altar, etc. and then as I started diving deep into the book every day, a friend of mine came over and told me that they were a wiccan and was willing to help me out. Now, I was only able to be around that person for a few short weeks before they left, but they were able to point me in the right direction, and now that my situation has improved, I'm able to get into it more and more. I look forward to communicating with others and being around wiccan's again. Be blessed!
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Re: Merrymeet everyone
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Hello and welcome to the site. I've been Wiccan for over 40 years now and I'm always willing to answer questions or make suggestions for resources such as books and websites. Do check out the Wicca Forum here on SOM. There is a lot of good information posted there.

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