Energised After Summoning

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Energised After Summoning
Post # 1
Something I have been noticing with my spell work recently is that after I preform a summoning despite putting a lot of energy into the spell, I always feel invigorated and more full of energy then before. I was wondering if anyone else experiences this or had any comments or opinions?
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Re: Energised After Summoning
Post # 2
That is a very common occurrence that happens within witchcraft as the energy of whatever you summoned comes to you in that location so you would feel energized. Same thing as when you cast a powerful spell hence why grounding is used to remove that excess energy as otherwise you will feel "overcharged" with energy, and the effects of that will feel slightly different for everyone, but your energy will feel like it's strengthen all over the place for some, for others they might feel very "hyper" this can also happen with channeling after you are done or even sometimes during the process to draw energy/power from an external source. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Re: Energised After Summoning
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Thank you for sharing your experience of this. I can relate, let me explain.
During a magical working like a spell, we raise and manipulate energy. This is done in many ways such as dancing, cone of power, singing and more. After we have completed a magical working, we can be left with some of that energy and feel jittery, amped, or similar. When you experience this, you did not ground and center properly or at all. This goes alot in depth, so I will be very general and short.
-Grounding is connecting to the Earth to release your excess energy but also it allows you to take energy up from the Earth.
-Centering is aligning ourselves with our intent. it is focusing that energy.

Our Moderator Lark has a wonderful article on it. Here is the SOM link. Goodluck!
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Re: Energised After Summoning
Post # 4
I hope my message makes sense /gen
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