Anchoring a spell

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Anchoring a spell
Post # 1
I have a question I've been waiting to ask, "If you anchor a spell to something, if that something gets destroyed or broken is the whole spell stopped?" When I anchor spells I have it set like how you'd put say a laptop on a charger where the laptop (the spell) has it's own power supply and having it on the charger is for extra power , preventing anyone from messing with the spell, etc. Would love to hear witch's ideas on this.

Thank you
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Re: Anchoring a spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: Anchoring a spell
Post # 3
Hi SpiritWitch8
Trust you well.

So as to the analogy that you used, where the laptop is your spell, and the charger in fact is to give it extra power and if that power supply gets damaged/broken/destroyed, you will inevitably have to get a new charger in order for your laptop to continue functioning.

So to with the object or item that you have anchored your spell or even an intent to, that has to get broken or destroyed, you may obviously want to replace that item, or probably change the item in order for your spell to continue working ( like the laptop analogy).

So here's my theory. Say if I am casting a travel spell, I would want to use a toy like object next to my candles, like a toy car, or a toy aeroplane. And i will leave it next to my candles, which obviously is charged with the spell and intent. So I'm not sure as to how you do your spell work as it's obviously personal and private, like how mine is personal and private. However, say the toy object that I used, somehow breaks.

I know we will be bombarded with all soughts of thoughts and questions as to how and why it happened, and what it means etc etc. well, we always find the answer, and the answer will most definitely make sense to us in more ways than one. However coming back to the point of the item or object breaking, I don't really feel that the spell will be stopped immediately. Neither do i feel that the spell will be stopped. We use items to make spells more clear. In other words we make the universe or rather need the universe to receive our spells and intent most clearly, the most clear messages without any misinterpretation.
The object or item attached to a spell is to make it more specific.

Your laptop will still work for a while without a charger. Your spell will still work for a while without the anchor.
Replace and renew to keep this momentum going. All is not lost when something is broken or destroyed.

Blessed Be
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Re: Anchoring a spell
Post # 4
I think Keith said all that's to be said. So, kudos for you Keith...
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Re: Anchoring a spell
Post # 5
Thanks for the insight, the way I personally see it is the spell (laptop) has it's own power supply so even if the anchor is destroyed that doesn't break the spell, that's how it's worked in my experience. Sometimes, I find when the timing isn't right, say I want to anchor a spell to the sun but it's night time, so I'll anchor it to the moon then the next day /morning, I'll transfer the anchor to the sun. Which I use spell anchors as "something extra" a bonus to a spell rather than the difference between a successful working and a failure of a ritual. But that's just my experience with it. Heck, sometimes when I do hexes I make my target the anchor so you know, there's a lot that can be done with spell anchors and I'm surprised more witches don't talk or even know about them.

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Re: Anchoring a spell
By: / Novice
Post # 6
One of my favorite anchor-points is to use a crystal. Particularly quartz as it is already basically a computer chip. Give it a good and thorough cleanse, work your spell into the crystal, then set it in a place where it can catch sunlight during the day. Instant solar-cell!
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Re: Anchoring a spell
Post # 7
I'll have to write that down, usually when I use crystals as anchors I anchor the spell to either the sun or the moon depending on what's available slash what will support this spell, then I'll anchor the spell to the crystal and leave it near a window. Great idea!
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