New obviously

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Re: New obviously
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: New obviously
Post # 3
Merry meet and welcome Verimas.

I am glad you have joined us!! Hope to see lots of you around. Have you thought of joining a coven yet?? Hope so. I am sure with your experience you can be a great help to us here and we can also be a great help to you.

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Re: New obviously
Post # 4
I've considered joining a covent but i'm a wanderer and have never felt like I belong anywhere specific.
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Re: New obviously
Post # 5
hello i too just resently joined this site.. how u liking it so far?
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Re: New obviously
Post # 6
so far i have found it both useful and entertaining
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Re: New obviously
Post # 7
welcome verimas! so any type of magick in particular you looking to?
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Re: New obviously
Post # 8
Merry meet! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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Re: New obviously
Post # 9
I have studied everything from basic fire control to heavy defnseies and even spent a spell studying the dark arts but in the end i broke my addiction to the dark side and its power to focus on defensive arts and teaching others. and i think you for the offer mimosa
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Re: New obviously
Post # 10
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Re: New obviously
Post # 11
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