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Re: spells
Post # 2
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Re: spells
Post # 3
Sometimes it's just not meant to be. If you have tried a number of different spell and nothing has work, maybe it's time to except it. One good way to find out if he's intrested is to simply ask him. Tell him you really like him. If he doesn't feel the same, then at least you know. Who want to be with someone that's not intrested. Relationships can be hard when two people are in love, so if your having to work this hard to get him to notice you. Imagine what the future will hold if you do change his will, and start dating. I have a feeling your not done trying though. So I wish you all the best and hope it all turns out well. Try and remember that you deserve someone who can't wait to see you. someone that lights up when you're around.

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Re: spells
Post # 4
i understand what you are saying but it not that i want him to notcie me cause he know that im alive and he knows how much i like him it a matter of the fact that theres an ages diffrence in the way of all of this he is 6 years older then me and if i tell him i like him then that will rune him and me being friends so if i tell him how feel i lose him as everything and im glad i have him as a friend but i think were ment to be more and giveing up would be eassier but i tought i should trying something a little diffrent then my own chram and then just giveing up
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Re: spells
Post # 5
What you are trying to do, if I understand correctly, is to bend your friend's will. Bending someone's will is not a good thing to do. Yes, magic is powerful, but it is not always the answer. Spells can have unexpected outcomes. They can also make your situation worse. By taking away someone's free will you are taking away a part of them. A part of them that makes up who you love. When you take that away, you will be bound to a person who is not the same person you fell in love with and will be miserable. If you are not prepared to tell him how you feel, you are not prepared to be in a relationship with him either.
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Re: spells
Post # 6
i have told him how i feel i told him like 100 times that i liked him and i say im reddy for whatever and changeing his mind maybe bad but i say no matter what i will still be in love with even when i find that spell that works its wonders for me im fighting for what i want and he has not gone away with any of the spells i have done cause he still talks to me so at least im getting that but i want more then just that and if i talk to him and tell him how i feel aging then that will make him go away useing a spell wont make him go away yes it can but if i use it right or find the right one then it wont i know the side effects of what can happen but im willing to risk that as bad as it all sounds but once your put in a problem like mine or mine you search and look for answer and things you can try to do to change or fixs things it took mr a lot of guts to tell him i liked him in the first place and alot of guts before that to even meet him and like him im a shy person and i just want what i had with him so im looking for a fix i should have just let him lead me on insted of force a friend to get an answer out of him but i knew that was a bad idea so i made him give me his answer its just that age diffrence for him i got over it and so can he its not a big problem but when you feel that you like some one so much that you will do say or try anything to change there mind you will try it and if im going to get yelled at for it or told its a bad thing to do then fine but im still going to try till i figure out what works you guys may be right and you maybe wrong but you never know and when you have some one come back in your life after years like 7 i think it has been then you what that person to stay in your life and thats whats odd for me about all this cause he liked me like 7 years ago and i liked him but at that time he was turly to old for me but when my firend introudced us aging age did not mater that was no porblem and it should not be one now and im willing to change that if you do not wanna help me then do not help i will take your advice but im not going to stop trying ill read what you have to say but i know its going to be all the negative stuff and knew that when i posted this but im willing to take it but telling me not to use a spell cause im not reddy cause i did not tell the person i like that i like them is a flase observation cause i did say it and if i got a chance to say it aging i would if i got the chance to experce it i would or will but im useing magic to make some i want to come to me and feel the same way i do and if i sound mad im sorry im trying not to be i just get a little testie when i want something and i try so hard for it and people torugh the bad side of things at me i know spells are powerful and can be bad or good and all that i read about it before i tired it it then i did the trying and im going to keep trying it can not hurt to try and what i get out of it i can only hope it will be good i do not know what will happen but i willing to risk it for some one i like enough to even do a spell on them and this guy is the only guy i would ever think to try a spell with only cause he is shy and stuborrn and nice and was there for me at my worst time in my life if i could go in a time machice and fix this all i would but we do not have those so spells is the closet thing im getting to a time machine i thank you for your adive and help but its not going to make me stop doing spells
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Re: spells
Post # 7
thanks elvis 1 for the email
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Re: spells
Post # 8
I'm sorry to say when i read your posts, all i hear is what you want and how you want him, even though he has concerns about the age difference. You forced him to give you an answer, but then you're not willing to except his response. Love is not forcing your wants on another person. If you truly love him you wouldn't be trying so hard to make him want you, if that's not what he wants. It seems more like obsession than love. I don't mean to sound mean. I know this is the last thing you want to hear but you're going to end up with nothing if you keep pushing so hard. You said you were happy with his friendship, and you were glad to at least have that. How long will you have it if you keep this up? Try and just relaxe, hang out as friends and just be yourself, maybe he'll see you in a different light. Pushing and demanding are not traits that will win over anyone.

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Re: spells
By: / Novice
Post # 9
Letting go is sometimes the best way to get what you want.

About your spells... If you're obsessed with him and with your situation, it might be that you've been sabotaging the flow of your spells and that's why they don't work. Do not cast spell after another before giving it time to manifest... You might have need to wait for a long time, but when you choose a spell you're willing to cast, stick to that one, do it and wait. Until then, mind your own business, leave him alone, don't show him how much you actually care for him ;) be sure that your spell is doing the best possible work and don't doubt in it like never ever :)

I am not someone who is experienced and who could tell you do this or that one, but I can suggest you to visit
www.luckymojo.com where you will find tons of love spells for
attraction, domination, getting control over your crash etc... I am sure you will find something that fits to your situation. There is also a big forum where you can ask about your situation and hear what they would suggest you to buy of the products!

Maybe it would be good to do a reading on your situation and see what experts have to say and advice about that...

I wish you good luck, do not panic, try to calm down first and think carefully about what you exactly want of your situation right now. Be precise about your desires and a spell will pick you ;)

blessed be...
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Re: spells
Post # 10
Every action has an equal reaction This is not a moral law, It is a scientific one, therefore the Wich should think long and hard before doing any magick

Within this rule lie two others: Never target the innocent, and never use magick to take something from someone else

What you think, you create. Your mind is the key that opens the door to unlimited magickal applications

What you believe, you will manifest. This rule is linked to the one above. Belief is the Key

Belief is a knowing, a certianty, that what you desire will occur


The Ultimate Book Of Shadows For The New Generation
From Silver RavenWolf
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Re: spells
Post # 11
Ah Ravenwolf and her genralised , simplifid and often missgiding occult "phylosophy"

I like the bold and underlined text , I wish I knew how to do it :/

As for the love spells , try "Look me over" Or "Follow me boy" spells.

Alternatively You could write Your name on papper encircled and Crossed with his, place this under lodestone, sprinkle all with brown suggar and light a red candle next to it , or even on top of lodestone , dressed with "Attraction oil"

You could alos try " Honey Jar spell " .

Oh anotherv thing , when You cast the spell dont sit home expecting him to appear. You would make two mistakes:

1. Don't just sit back after cast spell expecting "instant miracle, put 20 mins in microwave and enjoy"
2. Once the spell had been cast no longer should one think of it

Oh and wear short skirts :P boys are so easy ( except me of course )

Many blessings
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