Fact vs. Fiction

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Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Shapeshifting done on the astral is pretty common actually. When you get there, most the time we don't look a thing like we do in the physical. There, we look like what we feel inside and in some cases, people can change that appearance.

To touch quickly on "possession of an animal", in some tradition this is possible in a way. What is happening isn't so much a forced possession as it is a spiritual journey in which an animal has enough respect for you and visa versa that there is the allowance of being able to "see through their eyes". With this, usually comes some sort of spiritual lesson. The physical transformation that people claim they can do it not possible with magick or science.

Glamours are just illusions. Your appearance doesn't change, but people's *perception* of your appearance does.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
I have another question already :)

Salvia Divinorum:
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm quite drawn to plants, so when I read of this herb I was rather intrigued. According merchants of this herb, it is wonderful for use in meditation and opening one's "inner-eye". It is believed that Mayan shamans used this plant in their divinatory and healing practices, hence it's name.

I was wondering whether this is an advised route to meditation and scrying?
When I attempt scrying, it seems as if images are forming, but their struggling. It's hard to explain... It's as if the plane is vibrating in formations, like the visions are lost in translation or hitting a blockage of some kind. I'm not sure if this is normal for beginners, and wondered if natural herbs might help cleanse the channels.

*I would like to add that I'm not searching for a short cut. I understand that one must meditate and it takes time, but I wondered whether this might ease the flow of energies somehow.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
The use of plants, herbs and narcotic's isn't unheard of in magickal endeavors.

Personally, I don't use mind altering anything for my workings because even non-addicting substances can become addicting for the user. By this I mean we become accustomed to the use of this aid, which usually has powerful and quick results, whereas conventional means take time. Being a society of instant gratification, it can easily become a crutch and no longer an aid.

As for your visions, I would work on chakras to help them become more clear as well as relaxing more instead of "trying" to see them.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 5

This is a topic I've wondered about since childhood, to be honest. At age 16 I spoke with a practitioner, at the least that's what I would have had me believe... He spoke of summoning a great deal many entities thought by many to exist only in myths and folklore. I would love to believe he was telling the truth, as the world was so beautiful when as a child I believed without question in all these entities and magic as a whole.

But when I moved past the existence of these entities, I was somewhat disturbed. Supposing the entity one should wish to summon does exist (in this plane or any other), isn't it terribly disrespectful to call this entity to appear before you like some servant?

I guess what I'm wondering is the following: what is your opinion on summoning, what "mythical" entities does exist, and whether communion is possible in a more respectful way. Hope this makes sense in some way.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
I love your thought process on this subject!

Yes, demanding an entity come to you is rude. Asking them to come, however, is not. It allows the entity to come on their own and when they wish. It shows a level of respect for a being that is much wiser and older than us. You will find, more people prefer the method of asking than summoning.

As for what being exist...That is up to you and what you believe. I can sit here and tell you that all the deities are real, as well as the fae, dragons, demons, angels, ect. What you decide to believe in is up to you though.

Personally, I have worked with or spoke with all the entities I have just mentioned.

Respectful communication is very possible. We can do this through meditation/trance, channeling, divination, AP work, ect. Most the time, simply sending out your request to the universe that you are open to them and would like to speak with them can yield pretty decent results.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Novice
Post # 7
I am still learning what to believe in, but more what isn't real then what is so I keep an open mind. When I channel, I like to request if there is anyone around would they make them selves known, I had one reply so far, due to my learnings I could only feel it nothing more.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
As I said, from the beginning I believed in basically everything, and thankfully never truly let that go. I'm still a far stretch away from AP, and therefore even more so from contacting any entity. But I look forward to the day that I am ready to experience that blessing.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 9
You don't need to AP to contact an entity.
For example, if you have a specific deity that you worship, a dedication ritual can sometimes end up with that deity present (sometimes, not all time), but calling out to ones selected divine being is something that many people do regularly.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
I have felt the presence of what I perceive as my God many times in my life, always in Nature. I like to believe He is always with me. I don’t see this as a form of "summoning", though.

The communion I’m referring to, is the contact of wise and ancient entities, but not deities.

Re: Fact vs. Fiction
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Memory Storage:

I'm aware that some of you might immediately label me as "fluffy" when reading this post, but please consider my reasoning before dismissing me completely.

I’ve read that seeing as we all have energy, and that crystals have a special way of storing and radiating energy, one might store some of one's energy in a crystal.

Assuming that is possible, is it then also possible to store one's memories inside a crystal? Seeing as memories are also a form of "energy", if you will, in my opinion.
This links, again in my mind, with the "store" I've read about on this site, that apparently keeps all the memories of each soul's incarnations.

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