A question to you all.

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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 2

I feel that really depends on you as a person. I myself use it for awareness, protection, and spirituality purposes. I think each person could answer this differently. It really depends on your views and the path you take in life.



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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 3
I use magic to help my friends or family if I can't help them directly
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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 4

magic is everywhere around us it is the world the nature the person itself so like everything it has both good and bad sides... Our spirituality allows us to use it for a particular reason. But in order to have balanced karma and the law of three are very important. What the caster will do with its abilities it's a personal matter

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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 5
I use it to help my fiends and I, or if someone is causing me trouble i use magic to make them stop, but not evilly. just getting them to stop!
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Re: A question to you all
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
I use it to maintain balance in my life. I also use it or healing and protection. :)
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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 7

Asking what to do with magick is like asking what to do with life. Live it! :D

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Re: A question to you all.
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
I think people should use magic to help other people who really need it.
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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 9
I've always thought magic was something like flexibility. Some have it in heaps, some don't. Those who do not, can do exercises to increase it. And just like flexibility, situation-ally, it has advantages and disadvantages.
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Re: A question to you all.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 10
Magick isn't a tool we use, it is apart of us. It is life, it is within us and within everything around us. What is it's purpose? To bring beauty into our lives. What are we meant to do with it? Let it become apart of you, your life and your world. Feel the ebb and flow of nature and become a participant in that ebb and flow. It is living through an entirely different perspective to what most people are used it.
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Re: A question to you all.
Post # 11
Ascend to godhood...
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