you cant use magick to turn in to a werewolf vampire fae mermaid angel demon goldfish or what ever your human
if you dont believe me try it people told me when i started it would not work but i didnt listen so i keep look i found something that i thought would work biokinesis and the only thing it did was i screwed up my back the docters cant find any thing wrong besides a little scoliosis but i tell you this it feels as my spine is being pulled both ways at once take it from some one wow as tried and been down the road leave it be and forget about it it will only bring pain and disappointment
It depends on what spells you are referring to. Whilst it's correct that you can not become an angel the term "angel magic" more commonly refers to a practitioner that calls upon various angels in their working. Such a practice is real and I know of quite a few practitioners that make use of it, personally I do not worship any of the angels and thus do not call upon them however.
hmm, to some extent. It teaches that every human being has a "True Will" and that everybody's "True Will", when unlocked, is in perfect harmony with each other. If you've ever heard "Every man and woman is a a Star...", that is what it refers to.
The "goal" of Thelema is to unlock one's "True Will
However also it teaches that each person has the right to fulfill themselves through whatever beliefs and actions are best suited to them (so long as they do not interfere with the will of others) I agree with this but would also add I as long as it doesn't harm another.
Mahir, every living thing is said to have an aura. You just have to train your eyes to see it. In regards to heaven, that is usually a matter of whether you believe in it or not.
spells for wishes, protection, luck, should work. spells to grow wings, or become an angel won't. i do have a couple spells that require calling upon angels, but they're for protection, or wealth. i also know of a circle casting calling upon arch angels, but again, protection, not transformation.
@ HelloBianca not to sound like an after school special, but you are special and one of a kind, everyone is, just because you don't have wings doesn't mean you're worthless or something. paganism is a very personal path to walk, unfortunately we have to follow some rules, such as nature. i am on this site to learn, and i do believe in magick, i have worked magick, but i know what magick can and can't do. magick is energy found everywhere in nature, you channel this energy while casting spells to create subtle changes in ones life. this energy however is a part of nature, and while powerful, it can only work within the limitations of nature. as humans we do not have wings, so a spell cannot create wings for you. you can try working with angels, but you cannot become one. if you base your understanding of magick off Charmed or Harry Potter, i'm sorry but that's fantasy magick made to entertain and awe you, it's not based in facts. spiritual magick cannot change you into anything else.