Well first these quizzes are for fun. It's a good starting point, but not very accurate.
There are activities that can effect each chakra [walking outside barefoot or doing physical activities can open the root, belly breathing for the solar plex, singing for the throat so on] also wearing the corresponding colour can charge them but you need to a. believe in colour association and b. intentionally wear the colour [meaning you can't randomly wear a green shirt for no reason and expect your heart chakra to be cleansed]
I would focus on one a day to try and balance one at a time and record any differences you may feel in the process [like anxiety is less or you're more talkative] observe your day and journal anything you notice.
I'm on my phone so hopefully the link works, that should help you with exercises and meditations.
Thank you so much for the link. It worked. I didn't know that there were certain activities to do that can open up your chakra. ^-^
I'll try some exercises and see if they help!
While I'm no expert, there are many things that can effect each chakra. Chakras are energy pools in our body that effect different aspects of life. Sometimes doing certain activities can help them. There's colours, scents, flowers, herbs, activities, crystals and others that can effect them. As mentioned in that article, different sounds can vibrate with chakra and help open/cleanse it. Try finding a book or website on chakras to get further information.
I've been keeping my eyes peeled for ways to activate my chakras.
I found a few websites that hold my interest. I hope to vist a near bookstore in order to stock up on titles that relate to Magick, demonology(maybe), telekenisis, and other various books.
Haha xD I might be that person as well. I cant help it. I like reading and magick is so interesting! If you wouldn't mind to assist me once more I have a question; do you have any books you'd reccomend? If so may I please know the names of the books? I'm afraid of getting a book that isn't genuine or is too advanced for me to learn from.
i actually don't have a book on chakras i'm afraid. i gather my information from online sources when i'm dealing with chakras. a lot of my books are either spell books or by Scott Cunningham lol, though i do recommend The Goddess is in the Details by Deborah Blake [love that book] it's basically about the 'next step' as a witch. you've finished studying the basics, and don't know where to go, the book is about incorporating your path into your daily life. at the end of each chapter she has either some activities or book recommendation on the topic. also, since you're interested in all forms of magick, pick up Earth Power by Scott Cunningham, it's pretty much an introduction to a variety of practices and types of magick.
Thank you so much with your help! I'll definitely get "The Goddes in Detail" and then get "Earth Power" when I'm ready to start attempting different forms of magick! ^ ¥ ^
Nephrite Jade? That sounds really pretty (I just searched up pictures and its gorgeous!). I read the description of it on a gemstone website and it sounds really beneficial (you could also use it on your 3rd eye to gain clearer insights!). Thanks for the recommendation! I'll try to get my hands on some! :D