Help me i am depressed im

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Re: Help me i am depressed im
Post # 11
PKB you are like a horrible spam bot. You say the same thing over and over...are you a pet rock someone threw out? Did a spider walk over you and you are a mad rock now? Do you wish you could EAT the spider? Yeah! That would teach that spider! But you are a rock. Just as the spider is some kids picking on you at school so you say 'I will eat you!' which is creepy so no one is going to be your friend and they beat up on you.
People that are your friends...are using you for something, whatever it is, and I cant imagine WHAT that would be. I know you are suffering because your parents dont giv eyou attention, but it is because you are a creep. It is like when parents find out thier kid is a murderer...they sort of take a few awkward steps toward the door and go 'well...we love you son...see you... ruN!'
Okay. Dramatic.
Spam bot some other site.
You take away from the real potential from this site. Though we appreciate you rounding up any that would befriend you. Cleaning house of sorts. You can take them with you too.

As far as the whole purpose of this thread, depression, I agree. Longing, not desperation. My fiance is a Sailor. We have GREAT times when he comes to port. :) It will be great, I promise, just hold on! and keep lots of pictures and letters.
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Re: Help me i am depressed im
Post # 12
I have tried all that
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Re: Help me i am depressed im
Post # 13
crimsom i am in the same boat and i agree with the others but i will add it does help to know in your heart that if you and he or she love eachother fully the gods and goddesses will help you stay together though you are apart they have done wonders for me but i still am depressed when my love does not get on to at least send me an i love you note but i do manage but takeing my days moment by moment thinking always of him and how we will see each other soon and that we will be together shortly after the frist meeting (face to face) keep it in your heart and soul how you feel and know you will be with your love soon as fast as the gods and goddesses will allow
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Re: Help me i am depressed im
Post # 14
I hope so slayeress. i just hope so.
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Re: Help me i am depressed im
Post # 15

I'm in a similar situation with my fiance. We started having serious financial problems and he moved back home for what he thought was going to be help from his parents. I miss him dearly but I also see it as a time to prove that this relationship is meant to stay together. The gods and goddesses will protect you and her and keep you together as long as you love each other and know that in the end you'll be together and happy. Keep your chin up and look to the future because it sounds bright.

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Re: Help me i am depresse
Post # 16
"I am truly left alone,
but somehow... just somehow
it feels like my loneliness is a victory
over the self-delusion of joy... and happiness!"

" have a thousand reasons to die,
and many millions of tears to cry"

"Still, no-one else I ever want to be...
and no-one else I intend to be...
'cause no-one else I was meant to be!"
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