
Forums ► Site Spells Discussion ► destroy

Re: destroy
Post # 11
To the topic here:

"What can you do?
Eat more organic foods
Drive a hybrid car
Ride a bike
Use alternative energy sources
pick up trash
Be a voice, speak and educate
Live a holistic lifestyle

Those are nice ideas and all...but not everyone can do those things. Hell, some can't do half.

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Re: destroy
Post # 12
I understand where your coming from Healer in the mean time start small. Instead of doing all your shopping at a regular store go to your local health food store. You don't have to do all your shopping there..believe me I know it can get expensive, but even a little counts.

If your job isn't far ride a bike. Not only are there no emission, but it's also great exercise.

If you see trash on the ground pick it up. It may not feel like your doing much, but you are and if you feel like you need to do more then go crazy.

When buying cleaners for your house go green buy cleaners that aren't made with chemicals that harm our environment. You get the same result while doing your part as well.

Or/and the easiest one recycle. Everybody can recycle just set up a place to put your bottles and take the time to send them in. Not only are you helping the cause, but you also get paid.

The Best thing you can do is Educate people. This is usually easier once you develop a passion for the cause. You have to get them to see the flaws in there ways. Of course everything comes back to money unfortunatly, but saving isn't impossible.

You don't need that new phone or that paint job put that money away and save up for a solar energy pannel. Or instead of buying the gas guzzeler go for the hybrid. Your planet will thank you and karma will repay you.
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Re: destroy
Post # 13
I don't see Karma repaying me for it, but I understand what you are suggesting.

You have to realise that there are many people who cannot do what you suggest.
I can barely afford food 75% of the time, let alone splurge on organic food that costs a fortune. I wouldn't mind a hybrid...but I can't afford to get one, or get a beater and convert it. Pick up trash, fine. Recycle, sometimes. They don't offer recycling in my apartment complex so that means I must put adie money to go to the recycling center. That also means that I can't get a solar pannel anywhere on my apt.
Biking riding...good idea, but not everyone can do it.

I understand what you suggest. And I understand there are some who CAN do those things to help out. But some of us cannot.

When I say the Earth will fix itself..I mean it. If from all the garbage and polution we put onto this Earth we will end up killing outselves...the Earth will then be able to fix it's self.

I'm not saying let's go dump oil in the ocean and release fumes into the air, but some people are limited in what they can do.
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Re: destroy
Post # 14
When you do good things you send that energy out into the universe and it come back to you threefold. Karma isn't limited to just doing good deeds for people. Doing your part for the world will also result in good karma.

What about energy efficient appliances. Half the United States's energy comes from burning coal which releases carbon dioxide into the air. It and cars are two of the biggest contributors to air pollution. Using less energy saves you money and at the same time has less of an impact on the planet.

Recycling when you can and picking up trash will deffenitly help.

And maybe walking to more places intead of driving can become a part of your daily life...Maybe
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Re: destroy
Post # 15
I understand how Karma works...and I still don't think it applies here. And not everyone obeys the laws of Karma, but that's neither here nor there.

I understand you want to be all Green and "go earth go", but as I have said, not everyone can.

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Re: destroy
Post # 16
Well Karma Aside

I'm not going to pesture you about it.

Just do what you can

That goes for everybody if you want to talk to me about it don't be afraid to send me a message. Even to debate me.
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