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Re: Intuition
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Not so much. I'm not evil...I don't think. Anyhow it just means that my soul has always been and it always will be. There is no almost done... I "am" , as far as I know, until this particular cycle of man is over and well into the next...if not beyond.
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Re: Intuition
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
It all comes down to belief. If you feel that souls are constant then one can not change their soul. If it is perceived as evil then it will remain that way unless you change the perception of what is evil. If you feel that souls are variable then you can change the perception of the soul. I find it sad to believe that a soul can not change, because that means free will does not exist and we are locked into being a creature that someone else (god?) wanted us to be and not who we truly want to be.

My soul has changed many times throughout my incarnations. I have learned much, changed often, and have found peace in so many different ways.
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Re: Intuition
Post # 13
Yea, I have to agree with that, it's sad if someone is not allowed to learn from their mistakes and change to become a better person.
I believe it's up to yourself, I'm kinda scared to think of the opposite.

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer.
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Re: Intuition
By: / Novice
Post # 14
I'd like to assure you that my free will is still in full force. I get to make the same decisions daily and my person is still learning and changing all the time. The tricky thing is striving to make free will reflect the true will. Though it is constant, and does long for the same thing for eternity without deter, it is my person who chooses wether or not to hear that will and act upon it. Do not pity this is one of very few whose intent is to benefit all and everyone rather than seeking out a way to edify only itself. As I said I am still learning every single day, and that in itself makes this very hard to expound on, as I AM human, and still have a basic need for understanding and a need to be understood. This is a subject, however, that, at least, pieces of, seem to elude being understood entirely. I hope I've managed to convey as much of the understanding I hold.
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Re: Intuition
Post # 15
I always thought intuition was from a much higher source..and your first intuition thought is usually the correct one lol
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