i am hurt and offended

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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 11
in his defence "Hell" with that specific spelling is a belief of the systems belonging to the christian/catholic/ect religion(s).

Hel, Helheim, Tartaros, the Underworld, Land of the Dead, ect has been spoken of in every culture as every culture has a place of paradise and punishment respectivly.


people assume, about faiths or about a persons beliefs when such a word is used.

as a generalisation, talking about being pagan on a christian site would be unwise. Yet talking about being christian on a pagan site is (here) tolerated.

Also irrelivent.

If you feel attacked as a individual whom follows a specific pattern of beliefs we, the Mods, would like to hear of it to help manintain the community. If you feel that most people on the site disrespect an entire belief in general it could be a lot of people live in the "bible belt" areas, or were raised with highly religious family members, or ect.

Simple fact that religion complicates things, drawns lines ect.

In a sense and to a point, I feel all religions are correct or at least have a medium of accuracy.

Mono or poly theistic.

As for persicution.. and feeling that you are being punished for the ancestral mistakes.. that is common in society.

Wiccan, Pagan, North American Indian, African/American.

To name a few groups treated unfairly (understatement) in the past. Can never truly be healed, the past, because the past IS the past.

The best that can be done is moving towards understanding and tolerances between both sides of any devide to make a better whole.

A fair ammount of people on here have said negative things about the bible yes, but the fact is the King James version was re-written and highly edited by a king attempting to Seperate the authourity of the Church from state to have additional power and the authourity to take the excess land owned by the churches for comercial development.

The absolute orignial document might very well be a fount of wonderdul ideals and teachings, I cannot claim to have seen the original translated.

the irony of Entities transcribed to fiction is the WYSWYG value (what you see is what you get) aka seeing is believing.

And of course as the mainstream ideals become more materialistic the ideas that our ancestors were loopy and had no idea what they were talking about abounds.. and yet We kill the planet they lived in harmony with.

We are all guilty of generalising at one point or another.

with this topic in particular it is because *generally* the two trains of thought of wicca/paganism and the current dominant strain and branches their in are *generally* at odds.

Life is what you make of it, Fair or Unfair.

In closing, you put heart into this and effort and hopefully this helps even in a small way.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 12
Very well said Flagg
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 13
wow i think that is all that needs to be said right there
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 14

Thank you gents :)
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 15
Blahblah blahblah blah blabablahba blahba blah blah blah blahbabablahba... furthermore blahbablaba. (please read it carefully because is of massive importance blablaba as you understand blahblaba you will blabahblah blah blah a lot blah)

Now you read my thoughts on the matter I will add the last and least opinion on this matter.. YOU CAN BE CHRISTIAN AND WICCAN AT THE SAME TIME but you cannot be Catholic/wiccan at the same time or any other religion combine. -_- In another words, you cannot belong to more than one religion but you can have more than one life style of belief as long as they do not contradict each other( but then again that falls on each individuals thoughts. ) You can be Buddhist(belief or lifestyle) and catholic.. but you cannot be Mormon and catholic (even when both religions have the same main idea) I am catholic.. by heritage and I will stick to the religion because is the most fascinating one.. ^_^. In either case... that was all I wanted to say.... OH.. and the BIBLE is AWESOME!!

In conclusion, blaba blah blah babababblah Blahblah blahblah blah blabablahba blahba blah blah blah blahbabablahba and blah, just like any one blah blah you see.. blah and hear blah for the most part in blahba bha blah.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 16
"A fair ammount of people on here have said negative things about the bible yes, but the fact is the King James version was re-written and highly edited by a king attempting to Seperate the authourity of the Church from state to have additional power and the authourity to take the excess land owned by the churches for comercial development."
That is my point, you dont see christians on here downin on the sacred text or anything that would even be remotely important to anyone here. That is just one of the signs that says society has changed. 100 years ago. (say they had internet) If christians were on here having discussions like this, it would be more along the lines of
"Damn you all to hell"!
"I already been there now what"!
but its not like that anymore.
(and incase you havnt noticed that is a good thing)
we wouldnt be able to have nice civilized discussions like we are now because now people are more willing to comprimise their beleifs.
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 17
I do not compromise my beliefs.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 18
I admire you for making this post. I have seen alot of "BS" about the different beliefs on here. I for one think that ALL should be respected! We all have some kind of power here. We get our powers from a higher being. I think anyway. I don't judge or like to be judged for what I believe and I think nobody should be judged for what they believe is for them.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 19
did i say YOU? lol i said a lot of people thus leaving room for all those who do not compremise their beleifs@(*_*)@
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 20
You probably meant a lot of people.. but you said "people" including me.. if you were to say some or most people.. it will leave room for me to think I am not in those groups.
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