i had a vision

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Re: i had a vision
Post # 11
last night i hade a dream about three creaters cald the lone ones each of them was a demon of great size and power. but ordinary demons dont scare me. what scares me is that ive ran into them once be for a long time ago. they said they were comeing to finish what they started all those years ago. they are planing something big i think this is going to be a fight i want be able to walk away from. i am going to preaper for there arival.
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 12
well as expected things are`nt really gonna be nice......
these demons are not even near to ordinary demons.....
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 13
what i sad in my last post happend but i made it with a few problems.

1) i didnt kill them
2) i fractured a few bones
3) they will com back again
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 14
so u really did met them or was it all in your dreams healerraven....i`m confused...
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 15
i was a dream that thay said thay would come for me. then this weekend thay did i was still to weak to destroy them. they fractured a few of my ribs
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 16
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 17
i have had no visions or sights the last few daysi fell i feel that it is a good sine
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 18
i will so love to help to win this war what can i do?
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Re: i had a vision
Post # 19
this isant a vision its some that i feel is happening

the tools
are becoming one
the keys
are reveling
the times is here
the war has begone

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Re: i had a vision
Post # 20
People who know about the war me being one of them need to get ready i just had a vison the shadow lords are coming after the key holders and people helping them so any one that is helping me be ready to fight and as for the rest of you guys i hope you all can help win the war.

The keyholders and the followers will win this war. This is a time of great need. You all need to work togther and put aside you diffrences there is no telling what could happen in this time of war.

My power and courage be with.
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