chakras and the truth

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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 11
This is really great information Balance.Thanks!
I am interested in hearing about the chakras and diety conncetion.
Last year I was attuned to Kundalini reiki and have just started restudying it again.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 12
lady tessa, im glad you liked it. there are no links in "modern reiki to chakras, many of the old ways have been lost.traditionally, there are 7 chakras on a normal person, as you grow you grow more chakras in order to get the body able to deal with the huge energy flow within. (Kao and i have over 25 chakras) so im only going to do the basics. (5 imporatant ones, theye are as follows

charkra name : Prana
colour : Yellow
location : Anahata chakra
region : Chest
function : respiration
sub-prana : naga... erections and hiccups

charkra name : Apana
colour : yellow orange red
location : muladhara chakra
region : Anus
function : discharge of bodily waste
sub-prana : Kurma opens the eyes

charkra name : Samana
colour : green
location : manipura chakra
region : navel
function : digestion
sub-prana : Krikara, induces hunger and thirst

charkra name : Udana
colour : violet
location : vishuddha chakra
region : throat
function : connects the astral body to the physical, helps with atral and lucid dreaming.
sub-prana : devadatta yawning

charkra name : Vyana
colour : rose
location : swadhishthana chakra
region : entire body
function : circulation of blood
sub-prana : dhananjaya decomposition of the body

as for the deities, they are represented in many budhist mandalas and paintings, i found this lovely description on a website dedicated to Arya Tara (a goddess) what i like obout this one, is the colours are accurate (each chakra has its own colour but you can for example have 2 green 1 light and 1 dark, so basically just connect the colour and the deity with the deities purpose.

side note, for those who do not know anything about budhism. person is believed to be able to experience a monment in life and meditation and hard work, where their mortal human soul is torn out of the cycle of life and given a godly position as reward for their dedication. anyone who has achieved this is termed budha, so there are many budhas, the jolly fat man in most depictions, is the first ever person to achive this title some 1000 years before jesus christ. on the same note, the term christ is also a budhist term. it is given to people who turn away from the path of enlightenment in order to teach others. (so like a teacher, master or yogi, but with much higher respect.) jesus of nazerath spent 7 years in tibet learning the art of meditation and clensing of the mind and soul when he had his moment (when he should have pushed a litle further to become a budha, he stoped and said that he had enough to keep his live balanced and full. his task was to go out and free the western world.

according to the tradition of Ravigupta.

In the central position, dark green in colour with one face and two hands, the meditational deity Tara gazes forward in a peaceful appearance. The right hand placed at the heart holds the stem of a lotus flower blossoming at her right shoulder supporting an upright curved knife with a vajra handle. The left hand holds to the heart a white skullcup. Both arms embrace the consort. Her long black hair is piled on the crown of the head with some hanging loose across the shoulders. Adorned with a tiara of gold and jewels, red ribbons, large earrings, bracelets and anklets, she embraces the consort Buddha Amoghasiddhi with the two arms and straddles his waist with the legs. Light green in colour with one face and two hands, he holds a variously coloured visvavajra in the left and a gold bell in the right. Adorned with a gold crown, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and a jewelled girdle, he is locked in a sexual embrace and passionate kiss; seated in vajra posture. Above a white moon disc and pink lotus blossom the couple sits in a sphere of red swirling light encircled by a gold ring adorned with pink lotus petals.

In the surrounding circle, directly above, is the Buddha Amitabha, red in colour, peaceful, with one face and two hands held to the heart. The right holds the stem of a lotus flower blossoming over the right shoulder and the left a gold bell to the heart. Wearing elaborate sambhogakaya vestments he sits in vajra posture. At the right is the consort Pandara Vasini, white, similar in appearance; holding to the heart a lotus handled curved knife and a skullcup. At the right is Buddha Akshobhya, blue, similar in appearance; holding to the heart a gold vajra and bell. Below is the consort Mamaki, blue, similar in appearance; holding to the heart a vajra handled curved knife and a skullcup, seated in a relaxed posture. Below is Buddha Vairochana, white, holding a wheel to the heart and a bell at the side. At the left is the consort Vajradhatvishvari, white, similar in appearance, holding to the heart a wheel handled curved knife and a skullcup, seated in a relaxed posture. At the left is Buddha Ratnasambhava, yellow, holding to the heart a jewel and bell. Above is the consort Buddha-Locani, yellow, holding to the heart a jewel handled curved knife and a white skullcup, seated in a relaxed posture. Each is seated on a moon disc and the inner ring of pink lotus petals, surrounded by variously coloured spheres of light creating the shape of an eight-petalled lotus encircled by a blue ring.

Outside of the circle, within the square enclosure are four female attendant deities, yellow Mukunda, red Muraja, green Vamsha and white Vina, all with one face, the two hands placed at the heart and seated in a relaxed posture. At the four doors, 'T' shaped structures, are four female guardian deities. At the left, yellow Varamukha with a pig face; above, red Shvanamukha with a dog face; at the right, white Simhamukha with a lion face; below, white Hayamukha with a horse face. Each has one face and two hands held to the heart, seated in a relaxed posture. Each holds a unique hand object.

The outer square enclosure composed of layered strips of colour represent the walls of the celestial palace. The levels of the roof symbolically rise above each of the 'T' shaped doors topped with a Dharma wheel and two reclining deer. The edges of the roof are adorned with upright banners and streamers. The palace sits on a visvavajra of four colours observed by the tines encircling the roof structures. A multi-coloured lotus with rectangular petals serves as the ground for all. Various worldly deities populate an outer ring, red in colour, and outside of that is the five coloured flames of pristine awareness completely enclosing the fabricated palace structure.

At the top left is the buddha Shakyamuni, followed by Tara and the teachers of the lineage, alternating in dark and light appearance. At the upper left is the tutelary deity Chakrasamvara accompanied by a mahasiddha and a monk. At the upper right is the buddha of Boundless Life, Amitayus and consort accompanied by two monks with red pandita hats. At the lower right is Vajravarahi with two monks. At the lower left is Rakta Yamari with two monks.

At the bottom left are three figures wearing monastic robes and performing various mudras (gestures), followed by white Padmapani Avalokiteshvara holding two lotus blossoms and seated in a relaxed posture. To the right is wrathful Vajrapani, blue, holding a vajra upraised with the right hand and a bell at the side; followed by the wealth deity yellow Jambhala holding a bijapuraka fruit and a mongoose. The wrathful protector black Panjarnata Mahakala holds a curved knife and skullcup to the heart accompanied by Shri Devi, light blue, with one face and four hands, riding a mule. A solitary monk sits at the bottom right corner, likely the patron of the painting.

Lineage: Shakyamuni, Arya Tara, Ravigupta, Chandragarbha, Jetari, Vagishvarakirti, Shraddhakaravarma, Tatagata Rakshita, Danashri, Manjushri, Mal Lotsawa, Putser Lotsawa, Ishvarakirti, Dharma Simha, Sthiramati, Gaganakirti, Arya Matidvaja Shribhadra (Chogyal Pagpa, 1235-1280), etc. (Collected Writings of the Great Founding Masters of Sakya, Volume 14. chos rgyal 'phags pa'i bka' 'bum, folio277).

Lineage from Buton Rinchen Drup: Arya Tara, Nagarjuna, Suryagupta, Danashri, Manjushri, Ratnakirta, Kirtidvaja, Punyamurta, Prajnakirta, Shilasthira, Gunamata, Prajna Kumara. (Buton, 1290-1364).

and for the pagan members who need a little more of the pagan link

Colour: Black
Direction: North
Element: Water
Chakra: 1st
Deity: Demeter, Elegba, Great Goddess, Kali, Moon Goddesses, Ogun, Osiris
Planet: Saturn
Influences: Banishing, Binding, Bones, Crone, Death, Debts, Divination, Endings, Exorcism, Feminine Divinity, Manifestation, Meditation, Mourning, Protection, Reality, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Separation, Spirits, Stability, Structure, Tests, Transformation, Truth, Uncrossing.

Colour: Blue
Direction: West
Element: Water
Chakra: 5th
Deity: Anu, Aphrodite, Isis, Triple Goddess, Vishnu, Zeus Planet: Jupiter, Saturn Influences: Abundance, Aligning, Balance, Business, Charity, Dreams,, Expansion, Forecasting, Forgiveness, Friendship, Guardians, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Joy, Lies, Legal Matters, Luck, Logic, Meditation, Merchant, Opportunities, Peace, Prophetic Dreams, Philosophy, Protection, Politics, Publishing, Reading, Self-Improvement, Sleep, Tranquility, Truth, Undines, Wealth, Wisdom.

Colour: Brown
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Chakra: not alocated
Deity: Corn Mothers, Earth Goddesses
Planet: Earth
Influences: Animals, Concentration, Endurance, Gnomes, Grounding, Home, Material Increase, Study, Strength, Telepathy, Prosperity.

Colour: Gold
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Chakra: unalocated
Deity: Solar Deities, Aplolo etc
Planet: Sun
Influences: Ambition, Career, Cosmic Influences, Divination, Fortune, Health, Inner Strength, Luck, Money, Promotion, Success, Sun.

Colour: Green
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Chakra: 4th
Deity: Allah, Aphrodite, Green Man, Isis, Ogun, Osiris
Planet: Earth, Venus
Influences: Balance, Beauty, Courage, Gardening, Employment, Gifts, Gnomes, Growth, Healing, Herbs, Faery, Fertility, Luck, Luxury, Peace, Prosperity, Success

Colour: Grey
Direction: West
Element: Water
Chakra: not allocated
Deity: The Grey Ones
Planet: Moon
Influences: Loneliness, Neutralising, Sorrow

Colour: Indigo
Direction: West
Element: Water
Chakra: no allocated
Deity: Venus
Planet: Saturn, Venus
Influences: Binding, Meditation, Prevent Situations or People

Colour: Lavender
Direction: all directions at once
Element: the "fifth element" life/love
Chakra: 6th
Deity: the great divine mother
Planet: Mercury
Influences: Blessing, Dignity, Divination, Intelligence, Intuition, Memory, Messages, Occult Forces, Psychic Growth, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Shield, Wisdom.

Colour: Orange
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Chakra: 2nd
Deity: Copper Woman
Planet: Mercury
Influences: Attraction, Business, Creativity, Legal Matters, Mental Clarity, Success

Colour: Pink
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Chakra: 4th
Deity: Aphrodite, Venus
Planet: Venus Influences: Affection, Emotions, Femininity, Friendship, Love, Peace, Romance.

Colour: Purple
Direction: East
Element: Air
Chakra: 6th
Deity: Maman Brigitte, Oya, Yansa
Planet: Jupiter
Influences: Astral Projection, Divination, Power, Prophecy, Psychic Ability, Secrets, Spirituality, Success, Wisdom.

Colour: Red
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Chakra: 1st
Deity: Ares, Astarte, Isis, Mars, Great Goddess, Moon Goddesses, Planet: Mars
Influences: Courage, Energy, Health, Passion, Power, Protection, Salamander , Sex, Strength, Vitality.

Colour: Silver
Direction: East
Element: Air
Chakra: none yet
Deity: Moon Goddesses
Planet: Moon
Influences: Goddess, Lunar Magic, Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Stability, Warding Off Negativity

Colour: White
Direction: East
Element: Air
Chakra: 7th
Deity: Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Moon Goddesses, Triple Goddess, Yemaya
Planet: Moon
Influences: Enlightenment, Healing, Insight, Lunar Magic, Meditation, Peace, Purity, Truth, Spirit.

Colour: Yellow
Direction: East
Element: Air
Chakra: 3rd
Deity: Orunmila, Oshoshi, Ra, Shakti, Sun Deities Planet: Sun Influences: Attraction, Centering, Confidence, Creativity, Happiness, Power, Solar Magic, Vision, Wisdom.

taken from multiple sources.
this is a combination of information, from texts on prnayama, chakras, and power points and energy meridians all squished together.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 13
Incredibly interesting. Any thread with the subject "chakras and the truth" is bound to be.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 14
And it seems the Chakra colors are different- in some respects than the ones taught here in the states.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 15
Tessa, wait till you play around with energy so much that you develop new chakras, me and balance have about +- 10 new chakras spread over our body and etheric bodies, it's fun, but confusing as hell.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 16
And that is something they do not teach here in the states,creating other chakras.I have got to spend less time here and more time playing!hehehee....
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Re: chakras and the truth
By: / Novice
Post # 17
Hmmm. The chakra locations are a bit different than what i learned as well.
Red: located between the anus and pubis region. Orange: navel region. Yellow: solar plexus region. Green: chest. Blue: throat. Indigo: third eye, pineal region. Violet: crown. And the godhead chakra is white representing the reflection of all. That's how I learned the first eight. I never learned a color for the chakras at my hands and feet as my chakras all turned white before I even realized they were there. I still work with my chakras by color visualization but for the most part it's all white/gold energy that flows throughout.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 18
yes perdurabo those are often the colours taught by "new age" budhism a lot of modern ways make things easier to relate to by puttnig things in colour order, or using western realation to colour and the body to "swap trditional colours for ones they can understand. so colours arent important really, as long as you work on them to get strong, it honestly doesnt matter what order they are in.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 19
Nice thread Balance. Very detailed. I like it very much.

As we are at the theme...
Here are the colors I was taught by my mentor:

- brown - from feet to the middle of the aitch bones

- pale red - from the aitch bones to genitals

- pale orange - from genitals to umbilicus
(difference: male genitals-pale red;;female genitals-pale orange)

- pale yellow - from umbilicus to solar plexus

- green - from solar plexus to shoulders

- ice blue - from shoulders to the tip of the nose

- royal blue - from the tip of the nose to top of the forehead

- violet - the top of the head

These are used while spinning the chakras.
My mentor's not exactly human (more like some ancient civilization) so I can't call this new age.

All hail the knowledge.
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Re: chakras and the truth
Post # 20
Thanks for the post Balance. I have been practicing meditaion for a while now and just started learning about chakras. Very, very imformative! XD
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