Dianic coven perhaps?

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Re: Dianic coven perhaps?
Post # 11
That came out wrong DO NOT HURT ME!!!!!!! I meant to say yes Pan it is Sexiest but tho it should be a coven to show what women hear can do since Balance is probably one of the strongest female on this site she should be the priestess.
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Re: Dianic coven perhaps?
Post # 12
My Point exactly. There's alot of power in a coven of all sisters.IMO> My idea they would not all have to worship the same diety. Yea maybe it is sexest so. sue me. =P If anyone was to get a coven like that up and some guy wanted to play. Well I would feel very sorry for him once he was discovered.hehe.
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Re: Dianic coven perhaps?
Post # 13
Any male found in a female coven would be more like a B**** boy than anything else.

Which is fairly useless unless it was a face to face coven :P
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Re: Dianic coven perhaps?
Post # 14
Well my friends - the coven is now open for applications.

"The Daughters of the Goddess" is a female only coven (sorry Guys) and is open for applications. This will be a great coven for women and all their problems and blessings.

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