lol i belive the moon is female orginally a godess but as time went on humans began to belive that we could know anything so they stopped beliving in magick to turn to scientisat who then said the moon is a rock
I personally think that the moon can be a "man". i put it in quotes cuz it can chose to be what it wants. I think of it kinda differently. Moms are usually the warm nuturing comforting figures where dads are often cold and dark
While doing research on Egyptian religion (Egyptians have the first recorded gods and goddesses, but I hadn't taken time to study them before now) I found that the moon GOD (not goddess) was indeed a guy. The first recorded deity of the moon is male, not female, as I (and apparently others) had thought. Interesting, no?
Here's some info on the very first moon god.
Name: Khonsu
Other Names: Khons, Chons, Khensu
Patron of: the moon, time, knowledge.
Appearance: A young man in the posture of a mummy with the royal sidelock and punt beard. He wears the moon disk on his shoulders.
Description: Khonsu is the son of Amun and Mut, and is the god of the moon. He is also revered as the god of time, and is thus regarded as one of the companions of Thoth. Khonsu is a great lover of games, and is frequently shown playing a game of Senet against Thoth for one thing or another.
Worship: His cult center is at Thebes where he forms a triad with Amun and Mut
But you cannot go straight from what the egyptians said because their culture was man based. So the chances of them seeing the moon as female was so close to zero that if you put a one instead of the decimal you'd end up a very rich person
for those who can visualize it ( .000000000000000000000001-->>> 10000000000000000000)
Aswell some older godesses are actually hecate and isis ( isis being adopted into egyptian religion) so its my beleif that the moon is hecate.
Why does the moon have to be either male or female? It's a matter of opinion if you ask me, most women will say female as some men say male, but really, could be neither male nor female, could be both, go ask and see what it tells you :P
I said that in my thing i think, but i prolly think that cuz my mom and dad slit and i lived with my mom all my life...but delving outta my personal life.....Yeah the egyptians were man oriented but most europeans were man oriented too, but you dont see a luno or anything.
La luna.. ah.. I guess in spanish is automatically female.. MUAHAHAHA
How I see the moon? Well, I am attracted to the moon, because there is basically nothing in there and yet its existence is important to the planet earth. That piece of rock maintain balance and give us light in the night.. I could say so much about it.. but recently my head is no good with words.. so I just will leave it like that.