A Satanists Code of Ethic

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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 11
Yes, it does look like that. But as I said before I talked to Satan. To what I see, he is the most intelligent being in the universe. I found out many truths be talking to him, and in the end i discoverd that believe can only work if there is facts. I see Satan the contoler of all of us, our minds, and bodys, even this world. Especially choise.
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 12
"most intelligent being in the universe"
Even more than your God? And you talked to him,what did He tell you?
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Re: A Satanists Code of E
Post # 13
Of course he has not talked to Satanael. He may well believe he did, but it is obvious he has not.

In any case, you say you've talked to SATAN. Satanism is not based on that scapegoat figure of Christianity, we are themed on SATANAEL. We do not believe in your Devil! We heed a figure of our own. Satanism is NOT connected to Christianity, we do not believe any part of your mythos, we are not an offbranch of Christianity. Understand? We are a separate religion of our own.
We do not believe in Satan! Our religion is based on Satanael. Difference!

We do not believe in your "Creator". Our Satanael is not evil, we see him/it as a shining beacon of objectivity, truth, freedom, rational thought, skepticism, knowledge, wisdom and some as the incarnation of Time. We do not "worship" an evil being.

Every religion? You have researched EVERY religion and found a being oh so similar to your Devil in each? I am definitely not alone in not believing that.

As for the religions that do, the "Devil" figure is often a scapegoat or an excuse for what those in that religion see as "fault" or "sin". It is a lot easier to blame the problems of the world on a mythical bogeyman figure than accept that it our own fault. Satanists do not typically believe in fault or sin, we believe in freedom, being what you want to be-being a perfect, beautiful being as you are. Often "Devil" figures, apart from being used an excuse, are used to manipulate people using scare tactics. Look at the Christian Hell-"If you do not follow the rules we Christians dictate, you will spend the afterlife in torture and pain, among the Devil and Demons in Hell". That is using fear to manipulate the person in question. See the point of a Devil figure? It is useful for religions like Christianity. Satanists do not have a Devil figure, many of us do not believe in good and evil at the core of things.

Thankyou for posting the Jewish view on Satanael, to the user who did that. Us Satanists view on Satanael is much closer to the latter view, that of Satanael acting as the balance and doing a job that must be done. The "Devil" literally being the Devil's Advocate, for the better of the human progress.

You cannot prove you talked to "Satanael" and very few of us here will believe you have communicated with that entity. Consider why such a powerful, spiritual entity would busy itself talking with someone like you or me. It wouldn't.

We control ourselves. We would be better off accepting responsibility for ourselves and not trying to avoid that. There are no figures making us act a certain way-we act the way we choose, whether you choose to believe that or not.

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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 14
There are many thing that you think that I do believe that I dont. I am not a noraml Christian. You are say thing that I have not said. Most of my knowleghe form a different book that you are unaware of. Also Satan is the darkness in our bodies not just a single being to what I believe in. I see my God as a being of Love, not power. I see choise of the heart not of the body.
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 15
Haha Lightsoldier, darkness and light, do not mean evil and good you know, only from chaos does order arise, only from mistakes do we learn. I am not a satanist, but seriously, darkness is not all that bad, it just means its another shade of colour..
Like.. black and white.. and if you're taking darkness as bad, its like talking about a dark-coloured skin person being bad, and that's RACISM!
And I agree with the scapegoat bit. No one accepts anything, they always blame others. Be proud of your mistakes, it is only from mistakes that we learn, as long as it doesn't affect others, if we don't make mistakes, we don't learn. If we don't make mistakes, does it mean we're perfect, "Just like god", except its always "Christian-Satan"'s fault that we apparently "go on the wrong path"?
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 16
You are puting words in my mouth. I was not talking about a color or shade, but a feeling. That darkness I am referring to is a force. Anyway there is alwas an influence on choice ether it is external or internal. You just have to make the choice that is from the heart, thats what I came to believe in.
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 17
ok, really, samael, your religion is tied in to all others, because in truth, all religions and beliefs are tied, and your is no different
second, we dont fully understand the truth,
we do not know if satan, or Sataneal, is good or bad, evil or not
what we understand is that he is a being that, in most religions, expecially early religions that started during a period where spirituality was very string, they portray Satan as evil, and if so, you have to understand as to why
Satanism didnt even start until modern times, and even back in the days of magic, most portrayed satan as an evil being
second, obviously he holds a majority of intelligence, for he is portrayed as once being the arch angel of intelligence, therefore he is in some standards, a very intelligent being.
another point i would like to make is that, darkness and light may not be the same as good and evil, but they are highly compared,
so if you want to get technical, my friend, light soldier, means good and evil
and comments on the idea of comparing racism is really naive
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 18
You all have to understand there is a reason that a curten religons are powerfull or not. The spirital world has a lot of influence on us whether we like it or not. Im not trying to force anyone into believeing want I do I am just alowing you to choise if you believe me or not.
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Re: A Satanists Code of E
Post # 19
You cannot simply make a statement like "your religion is tied in to all others, because in truth, all religions and beliefs are tired and your is no different", claim it for truth and then not prove it. Not truth, that is your opinion. I disagree with your opinion. That's how things work, facts are facts only when they have been conclusively proven.

Satanael is a figure in Satanism. You talk of Satan, who's earliest appearance is in Judaism. Judaism is not an old religion really, it's just a very old one that still survives and thrives. Ah, bit of internal rhyme for you;)
Judaism did not really stress Satan being of great evil, that was Christianity. Yes, he was presented as an evil figure but not to the extent as in Christianity, he was more of a required figure in Judaism.

In fact, a very early religion-that of the Sumerian's-portrays the figure closest to "Satan", Enki as, by your definition, "good". Google Enki for more information, and "Enki Satan comparisons" should come up with the kind of information I am talking about. Satanism's figure of Satanael is far closer to Enki than "Satan".

Now, none of you seem to be getting this point, so I will emphasise it

I repeat:

Get it?

One more time

Hopefully that has sunk in by now. The figure I am talking about is not your Devil figure. Satanael is a figure of Satanism, Satan a figure of Christianity. Satanism and Christianity are very separate religions, you confuse Satanism with Devil-Worshiping and other paths, of which we are no part. SATANISM IS NOT AN OFFBRANCH OF CHRISTIANITY. SATANAEL IS NOT YOUR DEVIL. SATANAEL IS NOT SATAN. SATANISM IS NOT ABOUT SATAN. SATANISTS DO NO BELIEVE IN SATAN.

Understand? You can retain your Christian beliefs, that is fine. I hope you find furfillment in them:) And I retain my Satanic. Our religions are not connected, they are entirely different. The figure of which you talk, Satan, is part of your religion. My religion, Satanism, does not believe in any of your Christain figures, including Satan. We believe in a figure we commonly call Satanael. I hope this post has finally cleared things up.
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Re: A Satanists Code of Ethic
Post # 20
darkked and Light Soldier you two always start talk about something way different from the subject. Leave this people alone,they have nothing to do with your religion or beliefs!
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