I've been offline a couple days raven. The only thing that would happen if I did post that list, is you would argue that either they did not exist, or that they did not hold that power. I respect your belief, and I can see how you would believe it not possible. I merely expressing my opinion, just as you.
Blackfire, you are seeking the easy way out, nothing more. I suspect that you are very young and know nothing about what you want. This is blatant in the way you still continue to beg for a way to do this, after being told the truth.
And automatically you jump to Satan. There are plenty of helpful "lower demons/devils" who can help you, and plenty of non-devils. What exactly do you want to sell your soul for? What makes you think your soul is even worth what you want? ;)
Really, you can't sell your soul. The soul is something to cherish. There are plenty of dark and spo0oky things that you can do that don't involve Satan taking your soul. Learn to build yourself up, YOUR magick and your power, to get what you want.
yinyangmagi i will gladly be a pawn for this. like i said, i tried to find a solution, but to no avail.
and i may be young, but i know what i want, and i know that i am pretty much out of time to have it. this is the only way.
*sends in the LOLSWAT team in a big ol' ROFLcopter*
Blackfire, you are just being silly now. You are ignoring everything everyone is saying because it's not what you want to hear. Why don't you let us in on why exactly you want such a silly thing?
First off i will start out by saying that i agree with unluckyraven so far.
Now..here is the answer. The being satan himself is just a pathetic thoughtform made by Christians. You have to look past that to a being that i respect very much. Lucifer himself. Before being broken away and stolen by the christians lucifer was once a greek god with alot of power. He is known as the light bearer. It is also rumored that he is one of the reptilian gods from Nibiru that saved humans last time. There is a site out there that has a ritual to bind yourself to this beings service. Those who have done it have reported there lives to be blessed. I do not nessicarly beleive the info on the site i am about to give nor have i dedicated my life to lucifer also known on the site as father satan. According to those who have done it lucifer doesnt demand ownership of your soul. Just loyalty.
the site is joy of satan . com
take away the spaces of course. lol
remember to read through all the info. It might not be what you wanted but its the best answer i could give.
May the night show you its darkest blessings,
satan and luspafire to to diffrent being and for every yin there most be yang as long as there been angels theres been demons one is light one is dark there so no good or evil its in the mind