Dont teach the kid

CovenShadow Craft ► Dont teach the kid

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 11
amari cheated many girls. i must tell u this, 1 girl that same country went to Amari house and then been.... been..... u know that. thats y i want to ask this, because i dont know whether it is true or not. how can he act like this, he is such a beast. well Amare i know that u protected ur coven very much, mee too. y i join here, because i want to be a part of family. besides this, this forum is only for the discussion to the kid. if we want to talk about this than we can, but not here. i open a thread but no 1 response accept just asking n scolding me. i dont know my friend is a friend of amari o not, but at least she told me, if u r my friend, could u ever take this as a kidding or joking? i bet u won't. but from now onwards, pls dont take about the beast again.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 12
a poor innocent girl had been................ i cannot even take this, if i m in the same country, i will go n c her immediately! poor girl is hurt now, badly hurt in mental.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 13
Nope, sorry that still dont get it.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 14
(amari cheated many girls. i must tell u this, 1 girl that same country went to Amari house and then been.... been..... u know that. thats y i want to ask this, because i dont know whether it is true or not. how can he act like this, he is such a beast. )
Hmm and where do you think he lives? and your friend who knows so much about him and you (the little old lady) who is so concerned certainly knows a lot about everyones business who has only JUST joined the coven not very good wiv computers cetainly knows how to shuffle around. You dont sound like this ewll rounded woman more like and over exagurated teenager hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

(well Amare i know that u protected ur coven very much, mee too. ) and which coven was this!!! coz again your new to this site but your protecting your coven!

(y i join here, because i want to be a part of family.) WHat is your true identity and why do you really want to join this coven, what are you after and what is your reason, who are you working alongside

(if we want to talk about this than we can, but not here. i open a thread but no 1 response accept just asking n scolding me.)
We are a family and do not keep secrets yet you posted this add for response yet you wish now to not discuss this!!!! you ask Q we give our opinion yet now you wish only to dicuss this conifedntialy and yet you persist with this conversation below

( i dont know my friend is a friend of amari o not, but at least she told me, if u r my friend, could u ever take this as a kidding or joking? i bet u won't. but from now onwards, pls dont take about the beast again.)

You make out your this new little old lady that found this site and well I have not ?????? so you say just joined then that makes me to have been on here longer than you, YET you know more about amari than i do hmmmmm!!!!!!

When i first read your profile i thought you were this wise old lady who held a lot of knowledge, well yes that you do of amari and all, but you are neither old or a lady and you certainly are not new to this site. I feel you have not truly revealed your true identity!!!

so please enlighten us and tell us as we are all listening!!!

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 15
Helenaa, Our judgment does acknowledge who to teach or not,,but here thats not the issue,,I believe you needed the attention,Now you got it so pls...If you have some valuable advises toward's the members of our family about the art ,then share it or help to those who ask it from you..
cuz we know what is right and what is wrong..

thats all..

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 16
ur judment is correct, because i m new so of coz u will dont believe in me, i know, many people used to be like that, i saw many this case. well my friend does not tell me where Amari lives, she told me amari raped a girl. she is my online chatter, i seldom use computer, but i know this site because she told me. however, i think she block me in msn, we didt talk for a long time since i joined this site, i sent many message to her but she dont reply me n after that she appears as offline. well, i m really new, i dont know anything and anyone, i know my friend n amari only. 2 only. who is my real identity? well, i m a old China lady that study n learn wicca for 80 years. n as well as a talkative n busy body old psychologist. i like to help people thats y i like to ask question n curious abt many thing. i dont think that i cause so much trouble for u all, i m sorry. if u need me 2 explain anything feel free to ask me if u dont mind i m a talkative old lady.
Bless be...

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 17
i m not the one that need people attraction. well my coven is Shadow Craft not my own coven. dont misunderstood youngs... i treat here is my own home n coven. this is our coven, i m not here just to protect my own coven, is our coven, i think my sentences make u all think wrongly.
of cause we all have a right to judge people, u can judge me n also everyone can. i m not a very wise lady, it just an experience, a 89 years of experiences! i tell n counseor people with my experience, i dont know may things, i went to only a few country, i went to USA to marry my ex-husband n i got a bad marriage life, i went to Norway and UK for study and i born in China. i m not a very wide know;edge old lady, it just my experience, when u reach my age, u will know that, u will have a big motivation to help people who need help, and want to take a fair to them. if u think that i m thinking bad n i join this coven because of something else that may harm u all, than i can only say:
thats all. if u feel uncomfortable because i m here, pls tell me, i dont want anybody to suffer because of an useless old lady like me.
Bless u all.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 18
You are using this little ole lady stuff alittle to much, its not working for you anymore. Its not that you are new here that makes us Question you becouse we have new ones coming into our family everyday, its your actions that has done this. You are not trusted. Who are you? I know that you are not who you say you are. This is to powerful a coven for you to play with and you will find that the family here will not tolerate this from anyone. I strive to live in peace, but sweetheart please never mistake my meekness as a weakness, I feel you will be disapointed,for just becouse I do white magic doesnt mean that I dont have the power to protect my coven family. Im not making threats. You see, I dont have to. I promise who ever you are we will find you out and your friend too and things could get ugly, so stay if you want(for now). But this is total disrespect to my priestess and our family. And by the way as far as Amari raping somone lol he doesnt have balls much less a dick to rape anyone. And if buy some chance he did, its probable cause the girl couldnt fight back from laughing so hard at his little bittly pee pee.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 19
(well, i m really new, i dont know anything and anyone, i know my friend n amari only. 2 only.) So here in you own words you admitt you know Amari.

Re: Dont teach the kid
Post # 20
Stated that is not intersted in Amari yet has posted 7 known
coments about hin and gray coven??????

Post # 3
Apr 25, 2008
(delete post)
"I m not interest in grey n Amari"

In this post Amari is referd to as an evil.??? ok.

Post # 3
Apr 25, 2008
(delete post)
"i have a feeling that thispeople is an evil n i ask my friend to avoid him. from his action i know that
he is an evil, a crazy evil,

However in these was referd too as harmless.??? hummmm ok

"he Grey Magick high priest is a fake. is harmless n useless
Amari is the ex-priest of grey magick, rumors said that this coven had been remove because the priest is a fake n useless"

In this one openly admitts to knowing Amari.?????ok

"i dont know anything and anyone, i know my friend n amari only. 2 only."

There are to many controdictions.