First Time Rain Spell

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Re: First Time Rain Spell
Post # 11

I would suggest you not continue this practice of rain magick until you are wiser and more experienced. I do weather magicks and find myself quite predicaments. So, you can do what you will, but if on the whim that it does work, remember this (if you do not know about it, look it up): the Butterfly Effect.

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Re: First Time Rain Spell
Post # 12
they are not privy to my personal knowledge/ i have shared/ enough said/ priestess eosjos
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Re: First Time Rain Spell
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
What I would suggest for you Mr Cool, is that you learn to use your energy.

Cast a circle, ground and center. Feel the energy of the sky above you, the earth below you. Pull the energy of the earth up through your roots and see it fill your body as you breathe in through your nose (you can imagine roots pushing into the ground under you if you are sitting or you can stand and use your feet as roots). Breathe out through your mouth and see/feel the energy and let it pool through your hands in front of you. Feel it. Shape it. Know its there.

If you would like to learn to charge, hold the energy instead of immediately letting it go, and build on it with your own. Then focus it out of your hands for a stronger push.

Keep control of the energy, don't just let it run off. Focus on keeping it in place in front of you in a ball.

When you are done, take the energy you have built up and think of well wishes for the earth that has just lent its energy. Be sincere! Now lower the energy to the ground and press it gently back into the earth. Place your palms on the ground. It should flow naturally because you don't want to be tired, you want to only give back excess energy and keep what is a natural healthy amount for you. If you don't give back excess energy it could cause you to feel too energized, like a bad caffeine rush!

This is a simple exercise that will get you familiar with some of the basics of energy. I still do it to this day when I am feeling drained or disconnected. If done correctly, it should make you feel refreshed, anxiety free and closer to nature.

Never just take from the earth! She freely gives but you must always give back in gratitude.

My blessings to you! Good luck.
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