I've researched that myself. I see a large number of reasons why people are called pink, blue, golden, star, and triangle. If something is attributable to genes then it is medical.
Re: ENLIGHTMENT-- 2012 By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 13 Jul 16, 2011
Tony. You say that" scientists" have found these two genes. Then go on to say it is "spiritual". You cannot have it both ways. In any case, this planet was once part of a star, and all life on Earth would not be possible without another star,the Sun. So,in fact, we are all "star children."
The world will not end in 2012.is there any proof?
I have looked into the future,there are things that are yet to happen.believe me....although some events may take place in 2012,but that won't lead to the end of the world.
I have my own opinions on Indigo and Star children, but for the sake of sanity I will refrain from typing them out.
More to the point on your extra genes theory...I decided to google.
The person who has discovered these extra genes, is also known for "surgically removing alleged alien implants". If that doesn't speak for itself, I'll continue further..
This doctor believes that these gene anomalies are due to "extraterrestrial genetic intervention". In short, the men mentioned in the article below believe Star children are half human half alien.
None of this has to do with spirituality, unless of course you worship aliens, and I will venture to say this theory in particular is just weird...even for the occult community.
Speaking to your original concern that the world may end in 2012: Beloveds, we have no guarantees we will be alive tomorrow, ten minutes from now, or a month from now.
I know when i focus on the future, worry and fret, i am definately NOT living in the present - and the present is all we're ever guaranteed.
indigo and star children are really just old souls. not everyone is a star child. some are new souls some are old souls. the old souls are considered star. the 2 genes are really just the next stage of human evolution.
We have mapped the human genome, we know litteraly every gene that makes up our DNA and what it controls. Genes are passed from parents to offspring. So an Indigo, Star, whatever child is born, and is the way it is because of two extra genes, that means at least one of its parents must have had the genes as well, and one of their parents, one of their parents, etc and that the childs children will also have these genes and therefore be star children. Now, personally I don't believe in these indigo babies or star children of what have you, but as I understand it these things aren't suppose to be hereditary, no?
no, the 2 new genes where discovered not a very long time ago. indigos are old souls. star children are basically souls that hve been through many many incarnations. DNA cannot control incartnatons.