Clinically proven.

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Re: Clinically proven.
Post # 11
i am a homosapien and stil wasn't able to read it!
is there supose to be some kind of a hidden message?
the only words i was able to read in the bottom of the thread was:
"OK" and "grey"))
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Re: Clinically proven.
Post # 12
im human...i could read it!
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Re: Clinically proven.
Post # 13
The oldest trick in the book lol
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Re: Clinically proven.
Post # 14
I think he mean... if you could understand it.. I think you all can read it. his messege right. the other parts are really blank, so then the others might think he did wrote something there and he is referring to that... but the truth is the only thing he wants you to read if you are a human is what he originally wrote the quotes that saying "humans....." and the other down.. jjst think like that sorry.
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Re: Clinically proven.
Post # 15
I read it all.....fascinating *_*
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