any empaths here?

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Re: any empaths here?
Post # 11
Oh and the biggest thing if you dont do it already, learn how to ground. You just pass all your unwanted energies out do not take any in.

1. Sit or stand with legs apart and slighty bent and picture all the negative energies building around your waist in a ring.

2. when you feel ready lift the energy circle over your head and throw out a window. (unless you are like me where brick is just as air then it will bounce back at you as it is not an exit)

Eventually you will find a way for yourself.
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Re: any empaths here?
Post # 12
would it be empathy to be able to almost acuratlly tell peoples emotions of the internet?
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Re: any empaths here?
Post # 13
I do not know about that... O_O I need the person close to me to know how they feel... ^_^ I am apathetic yet empath. I feel their emotions but i do not sympathize with them... so you can say I am quite good distinguishing the emotions from people.
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Re: any empaths here?
Post # 14
A visual for control can be the radio transmitter/receiver example. Think of yourself as one and picture the vibrations that you give off as changing. A color change of your choice is good. Seeing the waves change in intensity and/or size works.

>>would it be empathy to be able to almost acuratlly tell peoples emotions of the internet?


>>I need the person close to me to know how they feel

Some do, so don't worry about it.
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Re: any empaths here?
Post # 15
ok then i'm an empath, still learning though
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