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Re: Element?
Post # 11
I agree with you, I said "fire" instantly
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Re: Element?
Post # 12
People do not have elements. Humans are made up of and contain all elements.

Each element has its own, particular use. Trying to specialize in any one would not only be unbalancing, but would be extremely retarding to your growth as a magician.

Selecting the element you are most inclined toward and emphasizing it over the others would be like concluding that you enjoy punching and kicking the the right more than the left, and then deciding to try to make a martial art based on using nothing but the right side.
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Re: Element?
Post # 13
Not sure if this helps but your element should be identical to your Z-Sign. Ex: Im a Pices Pices=Water my elent is water.
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Re: Element?
Post # 14

this topic have been debated ever since in the forum.. try searching it out for goodness sake.. try reading books "initiation into hermetcis" by Franz bardon.. where can you find?
-->>darkbooks.org online site for free ebooks.. READ AND EDUCATE YOURSELF.. not all things should be spoon feed to you..

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Re: Element?
Post # 15
Specializing in one particular element would seem more of a personal choice and nothing more. People keep suggesting that one should undoubtedly work with at least all four main elements (including spirit depending on belief) in order to maintain balance.

That's not at all how it works.

While everyone has the capacity to utilize each of the main four it it is not dire nor necessary for one to use each in order to make progress.
I see the element as entities, abstract spirits themselves. To tell someone they absolutely have to work with each is to me like saying greek pagan must worship each greek deity in order to live a peaceful life. It's not just highly disagreeable, but has no evidence to support it.

It is very possible to work with just one or two or just three of the main four elements and still maintain a rational balance in body and mind all the while still making progress in both their studies and spiritual growth.
lol I know a few people who try working with each and are quite off their rockers.

You should keep in mind that the elements are used for more than just energy work. They play vital roles in rituals, religion, spirituality, spell work, and more. To say that you need fire, water, and earth for all of your work utilizing air is simply misinformed.

It's a suggestion to beginners and beginners only for the most part to get the hang or at least become acquainted with each of the principle elements merely because they haven't any grounds to begin specializing in anything and it's just a good way to start out. However beyond that one should feel free to lean further towards any direction with the elements because in all truth, it's their decision. Just as with any other form of magic, they choose where they take their studies.

"...you enjoy punching and kicking the the right more than the left, and then deciding to try to make a martial art based on using nothing but the right side."
This is hardly comparable to martial arts in such a manner. I'd say choosing an element is actually more like sticking completely to using staves rather than wanting to get into knives or sword work and deciding to invent a martial arts form using only staves. It's not ideal to some people but you're still very capable of being a successful martial artist.
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Re: Element?
Post # 16
Quick, use Earth to help you study and Air to get in touch with your emotions.
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Re: Element?
Post # 17
is shadow or lightning a element to use?
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