D.J. Conway

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Re: D.J. Conway
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Books are written and published for only one reason, money.
If these people really wanted to teach, the books would be free, or published by an authentic University.
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Re: D.J. Conway
Post # 12
I should like to point out what I actually wrote was this;

As far as I know 'dragon magic/k' is a concept largely invented by Conway. I didn't say that dragons were invented by her or that interest in dragons didn't exist before her writings. What I am saying is that material about specifically dragon magic practices don't appear to have existed before her first book on the subject.

If anyone would care to quote some reliable sources (that means by a reputable author or practitioner, not a mate with a website, a dead granny or the bloke in the pub) for a pre-Conway exclusively dragon-based magical system I'll happily eat my words, with mustard.
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Re: D.J. Conway
Post # 13

This was very useful.

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