The lanes field/portal

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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 11
hmmm so mayb they were orbs and they were celebrating a sacred holiday or something ill do some research on orbs and barriers and stuff like that
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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 12
Don't waste your time. I know exactly what it is. I have explained it numorous times on this site alone. They are not celebrating. They are mostly negative entities.
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Re: The lanes field/porta
Post # 13
They still look pretty....O_o
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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 14
Well I am glad you all liked the pcitures, if you look closely after a deep mediation you can images of the past in certain pictures. It seem they are trying to tell a story. Just a random thought of mine...
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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 15
When i looked at 33 i saw two people casting a spell or doing something and i got this funny feeling like it was something really really bad.
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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 16
what it looks like to me (which i'm probably wrong) is two people casting a spell trying to make the blue orbs or whatever go away.
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Re: The lanes field/porta
Post # 17
I get stuff like that all the time in my photo's, but never to such a large degree. They were very beautiful pictures though.
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Re: The lanes field/porta
Post # 18
You could make a whole story :) – nice stuff wonder what they are.
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Re: The lanes field/porta
Post # 19
spirit/energy orbs
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Re: The lanes field/portal
Post # 20
Yes, SilverVixen is correct. Orbs are what spirits are mostly seen as on camera.
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