Eternal warrior

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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 11
No that is right Variados. :D
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 12
(Grumble) So youve got nothing. Great. And your saying you wouldnt be able to defend yourselves, not really. (Just kids playing with fire)I would like to think that magic still exists for a purpose other than cheap thrills. Ive read some of your "war" posts and if thats not some story, then good luck. Any one fighting you all would be severely disappointed, unless theyre just as usless. Ill continue to find my own answers, thanks for your input.
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 13
Xenovann you are mistaken there is people on here with amazing power, people with brilliant knowledge and there is not one on here that would disappoint in a battle if they had a little guidance when needed. Also being part vampire I would like to point out vampire's are not "JUST" blood drinkers.Also it looks to me as if moral opinions is what you lack.
Just because no one here wants to be your guide book to magick defence or offence it doesn't mean there useless or would disappoint.
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 14
What kind are you? Im aware of psi's. Most vampires ive heard of or talked to just have an obsession with either blood or energy. If they have any abilities they never discuss them. (besides how psis do energy shields and drain)

Reviewing more, Im thinking the dragon coven might be able to put up a fight since they have a dragons to aid them and all.
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Re: Eternal warrior
By: / Novice
Post # 15
>> Just because no one here wants to be your guide book to magick defence or offence it doesn't mean there useless or would disappoint.

Indeed. It more likely means your "mag users are more like snipers ... probably havent ever had to use theyre skills against an enemy face to face in centuries" was hardly endearing. The more martial practitioners have pride-- if you look down on us and expect the crowd here to be useless, you'll get just that.

I'm sure you can use your charming personality to make lots of otherworldly friends. I'm mainly working with elementals now, but dragons are very powerful, and if you can rub elbows with the spirits of the Goetia (Glasya-Labolas or Halphas) or some deities, you might not even have to fight.

You've heard of elemental energies, would you be interested in planetary energies? Drawing down the moon is traditional, the sun I think is newly ritualized, but since there's no 'distance' in the magical level of reality except for how well you can grasp a concept, you can make a simple psychic link to any planet and get a boost from that: Mercury enhances intelligence and communication, Venus enhances creativity and can grant glamour, Mars a "battle rage" high, and so on...
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 16
well, I know a spell that will mentaly damage someone, but I don't know any that will phisycally damage someone....
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 17
if i can remember i know a spell that will get you a hurricane
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 18
Ok since youve mentioned martial arts ok remember the rules of martial arts you need respect to your mentors and second you need discipline so i would prefer you put in your mind all the feedbacks youve got since all of it would help you... And if you think you agreed with what ive said then PM me i'll teach you offensive attacks using energy and elements... But if you dont have discipline in yourself i wont be interested on teaching anymore
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 19
Aeons, ill keep the planets in mind, and of course i want to get outside our world allies eventually. Fargoth, ill take that spell, and anything else destructive youve got. PM if you want. Rad, ill send you a PM. Thanks.
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Re: Eternal warrior
Post # 20
i will if i can remember it
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