real or fake..?

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Re: real or fake..?
Post # 11
Well then I won't exactly be surprised if I see even more soon. I know what's authentic and what is not now. And as for spells regarding physical transformation, that's trying to go beyond the boundaries. Why people try to do this, I will never know.

Re: real or fake..?
Post # 12
They are not happy with who they are so they try to be something they are not. Instead of trying to better themselves trough hard work they want the easy way out so they turn to magic because they thin it is a quick fix. It boils down to immaturity and the lack of a desire to work toward goals or set goals for themselves.

Re: real or fake..?
Post # 13
Real "vampires" are just normal people who can stand more iron from meat. 600% more than the actual recommended amount. It's nothing vampirish though. Just science.

Re: real or fake..?
Post # 14
That isn't true. They don't need iron if you are talking about people in the vampire community not the ones with a recognized medical condition which doesn't make them a vampire. They need energy not iron because of a problem with their chakra system.

Re: real or fake..?
Post # 15
Guys vampires are not real! They are just stories.

Re: real or fake..?
Post # 16
Thats what i tried telling them carmen, like why are they still being posted. Its just non sense.

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