Some information I found

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Re: Some information I found
Post # 11
I actually read this before this was posted here, this has some merits, I’ve done my homework :D – I do agree other government conspiracies are ridiculous and I’m not really looking at the government conspiracies in this posts, just the facts and which is occurring, in reality and how it is affecting us. This is fact.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 12
Read what before?
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 13
Why would the gov't want to kill us? That seems pointless, If they kill us younger we can't make money for them. We can't fight for them, there would be no nation if they tried to kill it's members...
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 14
I've read this before you posted it here danial, I've watched david wilcock's stuff - read it Bledri ;) this has nothing to do with the gov't "trying to kill us".
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 15
Yes I know I never said the government were trying to kill us and I don't know how we even got on that topic. I simply stated that the government put Fluoride, a known posion, in are food and water. This is to lower are paranormal abilities. You can't honestly believe that the government don't know about this? The american government had a human like alien from Venus called val valient thor working in the pentagon years ago and we have colonies on Mars. There is also a room called the jumproom which INSTATLY takes you to Mars. There is evidence behind all the statments that I have made which I personally consider to be "significant" evidence.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 16
Well that just sucks!!! If we brush our teeth everyday our peineal gland shrinks or calcifys? They always have the commercials about how flouride is good for you, damn!!!
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 17
Lol I think thats why they tell you not to swallow toothpaste. Ingesting it is poisonous, but I dont think rubbing across your teeth is.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 18
LMAO! Are you serious? The American government is not poisoning America to lower the psychic abilities of the citizens, you're just paranoid and looking to blame someone for something. LOL I couldn't help but to laugh through this whole thing. The US government uses psychics in certain cases, this is a known fact to everyone. Why would they want to cut of ESP? Then they couldn't use it. Another thing, the US didn't go after Saddam because he had a "looking glass". HAHA. They did it because of oil, I thought that was obvious. If Saddam had a "looking glass" he would have seen his own capture and tried to avoid it. This is just moronic.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 19
First off, I drink high amounts of water on a daily basis and get regular check ups by my own private doctor, who is in now way influenced by the gov. There is nothing abnormal about my body other than what already was there.

Secondly, I don't think that the goverment is trying to do anything, it was probably someone elses conspiracy theory that you happened to run into.

Third, one bother to ask anything about this is really, well pointless.
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Re: Some information I found
Post # 20
What are you talking about there's prove on all this. Fluoride is a known poison and is in almost everything. You want to explain that? I happen to know some of these things are true FOR A FACT! From "first hand" evidence this isnt a subject I just decided to look up on the internet. I got first hand information and then cross referenced it with info on the internet that is how I know for a fact that some of these things are true PERIOD!
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