New to Wicca

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Re: New to Wicca
Post # 11
Silver is kinda unreliable? Really? Well I only read halfway through Teen Witch and the reason why I like it is because it makes what she's saying easy to understand. I especially love the description of god that she put in heir because its a lot like how I view them. I do agree with you though that you cannot just read from one author when studying a subject that many have info on. There is a website I've been to a couple times but I'm not sure how good it is. Anayways, of you want to visit it, it's: It's got a lot of typos but a few people have posted on it in a couple sections. But, again, I am not sure about reliability, because I tried emailing this person with a question once and I got a notice saying their email doesn't exist or that that user is not found on that email site.
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Re: New to Wicca
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12

Here's some sites that I'd recommend to anyone serious about their Wiccan studies:

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