Psi vamps

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Re: Psi vamps
Post # 11
My mistake. I don't want to confuse anybody. Thank you for pointing that out.
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Re: Psi vamps
By: / Novice
Post # 12

All "vampires" are psi vampires or energy leeches to some degree or another. The different classifications within the subculture itself are categories based upon how that person acquires the energy or other things regarding themselves or their practices. So a psi vampire is an energy leech, a psychic vampire is an energy leech with psychic ability and/or an energy leech who specifically leeches off psychic energy.

It's a distinction that most people don't know as few people research into the subculture itself before a) running off deciding that they are an energy leech (which the subculture rejects as a valid theory), and/or b) running off and deciding that it is all roleplay, fluff, bad, etc. There isn't anything wrong with needing energy, everyone does. For energy leeches, they need energy from outside sources in order to function properly, otherwise they begin to feel weak, etc. This need can come out of several things; sometimes it could be called inborn as some are born with weaker ability to contain their own energy or produce it (such as people with insulin production issues), sometimes (such as in my case) it can be due to their own choices, sometimes they just don't know.

From what you've written, I would say no, you aren't an energy leech, you aren't a psi vampire. However, that is just my opinion on what you have written. I have spent time speaking to people going through it, joining some of the bigger communities and researching, I've even read books about it by people who are renouned in other areas, and I went through it myself. So I would say no, in my experience you aren't one and you have nothing to worry about. Each of us have different energy bodies, they are like our physical bodies in that they can have ailments, imperfections, etc. Energy leeches are just the same as everyone else; they have individual needs. Your energy body does not appear to have a need for the energy that you are removing from other people (or otherwise you are not stating that this is a need). Because you do not have a need for it, you are not, technically an energy vampire.

Raven Kaldera has a good book called The Ethical Vampire , you might look into that if you are still worried.

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Re: Psi vamps
Post # 13
Okay i understand. And back to the symptoms that you were going to tell us about unaware psi vams and psychic vampires. Still not sure if i got that right, before the post was sidetracked on the energetic healing as lark called it.
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Re: Psi vamps
Post # 14
we're all psychic vampires without knowing it, the thing is, usually it's a 'I take your energy you take my energy' scenario, that is why the cleaner your energy, the more charisma you appear to have. But psi vamps give little to no energy to the exchange. People will not like being around you if you are a psi vamp and you'll love company as it energizes you, so you will know if you're a psychic vampire.
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Re: Psi vamps
By: / Novice
Post # 15

Barbi, I never stated that I was going to inform anyone about the symptoms of being a psi vamp or a psychic vampire. A simple google search will lend you some information on that. However, the unaware person usually feels symptoms of fatigue, lethagry, headaches, etc, symptoms similar to hypoglycemia, whenever they are not around others to feed off of. They tend to feel awesome once they are around others to "feed" off of, any many of the unaware ones will be passive aggressive or otherwise they will stimulate fights and/or issues. Fights, etc, cause energies to be raised, which makes it easier for the leech to feed off a person even if the leech is unaware at this reaction, they will seek to cause the energy to raise as they feel better after it has. To someone with sensitivity to energy, they may see or feel tentacles/tendrils of the leech's energy floating around the leech and/or within the leech's aura field. Usually leeches have lower energy levels unless they are actively "feeding". Unaware leeches will also hang around large groups of people more often, as they feel better when in a large group.

That's just some of the symptoms. If I were you and truly concerned about this, I would do research. I researched into this for a while before deciding that's what I was, I found everything I could about them, joined communities, talked to people that were, etc.

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Re: Psi vamps
Post # 16
Oh. Okay sataset. Thank you for the information. I will google it as well.
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Re: Psi vamps
Post # 17
I have researched some articles and found that definition varies from path to path. From new age religion to satanism. After reading the llewelen article i came across, i came to the conclusion that the only time it would be ethical to do it would be when you know someone is doing it to you. And then only until you have protected yourself against that person and taken your energy back. Which i did not find out how to do.
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