The computer you typed that post on is most certainly real, you typed it on one end and I see what you have typed on this end. We confirm that it is real to both of us and many others and so therefore there is evidence to suggest it is real.
If you jump off a ten story building, the fall is very real. The ground you hit is very real and the pain and death you experience is very real.
My dear fellow man, you think so small! Why limit yourself to this physical world of existence? Allow me to elobarate what I meant:
Everyone has a sense of what is real and what is not. For Bob, that promotion is very real, his family is very real, and his house in California is also, very real. But what's not real is the stress he puts himself through, his fears and doubts that he's not a good enough man, are not real, yet he still feels them and believes these feelings. This in turn makes them very real.
Let's now turn our attention over to little Sally, a sweet little girl. Her house in Georgia is very real, her father is very real, and her puppy is very real. But what of her father's drinking problem? His lack of self control when he imbibes his beer, the effect it has on poor little Sally. She has nightmares now, and believes monsters are in her closet. These nightmares and monsters aren't real, but to Sally, they are.
I could go on all day giving examples like these, but you should get the point by now. We each make things real to ourselves: our fears, phobias, thoughts, and desires are not real because they do not exist, but to each individual, they most certainly are because we make them so!
Yes but thoughts, phobias and feelings can aall be measured objectively! Using brain scans.
We know that the amygdala in the brain si involved in fear response- we know these feelings they feel are indeed real due to our ability to measure brain activity and stress hormones released such as cortisol.
The fears and feelings ar every much real, it is not that the fear of a phobia is not real, it is that the fear is irrational, it has often been learned.
At the end of the day, we can still prove these things to be real by measuring objective, physical things....not just accepting that they are.
Correct, the emotions one feels are real because one chooses to make them real. If you succumb to the idea of stress, then you will become stressed. Things become real to us that weren't previously existing because we make them real.
Arch Enemy, we "choose" to make our emotions real? Let me relate a reality. My older brother suffered, from the age of 19 until his death at 76, the very serious disorder of Acute Anxiety Neurosis; in other words "shell shock". A very real illness! He didn't "think" it was real! It was real! He had no control over it.
Meanwhile I have read your profile; and that says it all! So please do not post your beliefs and opinions as though they are true!