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Re: covenant
By: / Novice
Post # 11
K, please forgive me I am on my phone so if I miss something or autocorrect rears its ugly head, sorry.

Online I was a leader for a year and a half. My roll was teacher, moderator, and organizer. I would post spells and articles, lead forums to teach or have monthly meetings, and if someone had a question, they could mail me and I would answer. I don't take on students outside of the coven, but if someone inside had a question or needed help with something, I would take them a few steps until they understood what they were doing. If there was a fight, I would have to listen to both sides and make a decision to keep the peace. I also had to mail council about votes and applications. [The priests job would be the same] I'm now in the council, which means I post articles and spells, and teach in the forums, but all the big decisions and leading meetings are done by the new priestess. Regarding group spells, we have in the past and are attempting one for next month, but its not very grand. The members try to co-ordinate a date and time to do something. [For Earth Day we did a healing spell for example] its harder online because we aren't together in a big group, and some people live in different time zones, so most online covens go with meeting through chat or the forums instead of casting.

Offline I was in a teaching coven. Eventually we gained more structure and I was voted priestess. In my coven it means 'we will hold it at your house' lol. I have to organize everything because its typically at my house. I need to get the items together, altar set up, cleansing, and when we do pot lucks [which is 6 out of 8 sabbats] I'm in charge of the roast [turkey, chicken, lamb, or beef] meal. I also lead the ritual with the priest and we cast the circle. We only get together for sabbats, so I don't have to worry about Esbats or teaching, but whenever someone has questions it always my books they borrow.

Online or offline the coven should feel like a family. If there is conflict, or you feel uncomfortable, first speak with the coven, if no resolution can be met, leave. You don't need a coven to practice. A coven is a great support system [and the energy in a group casting is really intense] but you don't need one, especially if its a negative experience.
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Re: covenant
Post # 12
i am also asking for the self here.
i know 'what is the role of the leader(s) in the coven as it relates to the other leader(s) and more respectively to the other members?
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