will my cat still follow

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Re: will my cat still follow
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
This is not a stupid or crazy question. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
I lost my Seven back in 2012. I feel and see him with and around me all the time. So I say yes they stay with you. So as for believing you I do 100%. My Seven use to sleep on my head after he passed my little girl cat took that over for about a month or so. I noticed he was back with me. How do I know it was him well first he was my familiar second I had him for 14 years.
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 12
Im sorry about your cat but I also cant sleep downstairs because I feel a dark energy down there
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Re: will my cat still follow
Post # 13
Yes, be friendly. And about that other ghost. Don't banish it you'll banish your cat.
My cat midnight's ghost/spirit follows me around.
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