Herbal Salve for Pain

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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
By: / Novice
Post # 11
this is not exactly a good suggestion, and if you're not willing to do extensive research ahead of time and figure out the exact way to do it its a terrible idea, but there are some natural poisons and venoms that cause nerves to be blocked, causing really bad numbness. now im sure some of these can cause permanent damage and possibly make it so your husband wont recover so i only suggest this if its causing such agonizing pain that he truly wishes to die.
like i said you have to do extensive research, one site may give wrong information so make sure to check multiple sites for info before believe them. this could be dangerous, possibly even deadly but it could save your husband from weeks, or even months, of terrible pain.
weather you try this method or not i wish you luck on finding help for your husband.
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12
Capsicum is known to block nerve signals naturally temporarily. This is why there are many capsicum creams out there. But the ones on the shelves are made to remain preserved and aren't the strength you could get making it at home. If you need something stronger than capsicum alone, I would consider combining capsicum with the cannibus suggested in a home made cream. That should be one heck of a numbing agent.
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
Post # 13
Hello there!

My husband suffers from terrible migraines, do you know of a salve that could work?
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
Post # 14
Aloe vera always does some good. They are easy to grow and it feels good on the skin. And they have alot of medicinal properties. They help with frostbite, bruises, scars, cuts, stomach problems, infections, etc.
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 15
You may want to check back through our search bar for migraine information. Many times, cluster headaches are mistaken for migraines and they are generally treated with completely different ways. If it was me, I would start by introducing hydration and higher levels of magnesium and potassium. Easiest way is drinking more water, eating a banana everyday and something leafy and green (spinach salad, turnip greens, etc.). If that addition to the diet after a week doesn't cause the headaches to go away or diminish until they go away (one more week), I would make sure these headaches are checked out by a physician. Unless he has had them since he was young, it could indicate a more serious condition. If he already has been diagnosed with a serious condition causing the migraines than your search should be for natural treatment for the condition and not the migraines themselves. Western medicine is about covering up symptoms. Most of natural medicine is about rebalancing the body.

Back to the OP, Rose should definitely check with her doctor about the benefits of ginko biloba and capsicum orally as well. Taken together, the ginko biloba can help aid brain function and the capsicum is like a booster for the ginko biloba. This isn't anecdotal either. It's been studied recently by scientists funded through prestigious universities. Something to definitely consider for faster and more full recovery.

My (step family) grandfather had brain cancer, and after surviving the chemo and surgeries in the 80's and defeating the disease, his mind just wasn't what it used to be. He started taking ginko biloba and within a few weeks showed dramatic improvements. So I've seen the benefits first hand. He lived 20 more years cancer free and functioned amazingly well. His wife and himself was able to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary to the fullest, which was beautiful.
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
Post # 16
Thank you for the reply. He does have a disease called Horton's Cluster Headaches. I will try what you suggested, but my husband isn't too fond of his greens. He does eat lettuce....but anything besides that and cucumbers, I'm pretty much at a loss.
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Re: Herbal Salve for Pain
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 17
Then he may be pleased to know that dark chocolate with nuts is also an excellent source ;) It's just not nice on the hips!

I have cluster headaches on occasion myself, so I know how bad they can be. When I get them I soak a rag in my pantry food grade organic peppermint extract diluted in a cooking oil that doesn't have a strong smell (my go to is olive or sunflower oil). Then I wrap my forehead in it taking care that it's over my temples and take a nap. The headache is gone by the time I wake up 99% of the time. The peppermint quality really matters. I have never tried it with essential oil although I'm sure that diluted high grade peppermint essential oil will work just as well if not better. I just like the convenience of buying the extract at my grocer.

He (or you) may also want to try gently rubbing his temples and then bringing the massage straight down to his jaw and then a rub along the entire ear. Then acupressure point GB 20. I also rub the whole length of the neck from there to the suprapinatus muscle. Instant relief (although it doesn't cause the whole thing to vanish just subside tremendously). My whole family and all my friends come to me when they have a headache walking backwards pleading for me to cure them with a massage. I need to start charging! :p
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