
Forums ► Fortune Telling ► tarot

Re: tarot
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
In my perspective tarot is ink and paper. It has nothing to do with magick or divination. It is more for entertainment purposes only. (etic)

Okay but in some cultures or perspective it is to divine with the gods or foretell your future (I'm not sure where white or black magick comes in).

Now here is the thing. For your mom is holds "true" that tarot is black magic. So tarot is black magick (again look at it in the emic perspective of you mom).

For you it is divination cause you hold that as truth.

In short, it all comes to what perspective you are going to look at tarot.
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Re: tarot
Post # 12
The Tarot, as revived in the early 20th century by Waite etc, is a set of 78 cards which express the ideas of qabalah in a pictorial form.

If your tarot deck is a Golden Dawn derived one, you have a tool you can use in ritual and a divinatory tool....

Whilst it is just card and ink, it can be used for a lot more.
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Re: tarot
Post # 13
some philippinos uses the playing card as a tarot card . its real but some of them . its just 52 but different cards and meanings
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Re: tarot
Post # 14
and i dont believe that paranormals are powerful than us .... they were same than us but they use technology and not mind . and some on philippines saw what criminals do to the victim while the divinator is sleeping but she feels than and after the crime she uses the taror for real or for fake . what kind of divination is that ? its nit a projection because she fells the pains
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